In an astonishingly expected turn of events, the so-called "Shroud of Reno" has been exposed as a fraud. Scientists examining the shroud (which Sybil's "representatives" claim to be proof of Sybil's death) have found multiple inconsistencies and fakeries to debunk the entire reeking rag.
"First of all," said one scholar, "The body image shown on the shroud is FAR too healthy-looking and toned to be Sybil. There's no way Sybil would have actually used her exercise machine that much. It's an obvious fake."
Added another scientist, "Another sign of fraud is that this tired old bit of tat has been used multiple times over the past several years as a phoney proof of death. It's also been known as the Shroud of San Jose, Shroud of the Trailer Park, etc.
"It's a Shroud of Steaming Shite, that's what it is."