Sunday, November 7, 2010

She's Rampaging on Usenet Again

Oh my, but Sybil doesn't give up, does she? The kicker is that Sybil's the one who's registered "" as an address, so any hate mail that's sent there will go right to Sybil.


  1. Check out her handle. Mistress Yeast Infection.


    Sybil can get her fat ass to the doctor and get something to cure it, and then she can stop at Walmart and get a bra to hold up those saggy boobs she has.

  2. It seems she actually wants this psychologically traumatic "hate site" to get more attention, although usenet is pretty barren these days.
    It only makes sense when you realize Sybs actually likes the attention, the drama, the shit slinging on some level.
    Im guessing weirdlinks gets taken down as a power trip in general, even on her loyal fans. Im guessing the site not getting much hits saps her motivation, so she takes it down and focuses on this "stalker" site to keep herself occupied. Also, whats the point of having a website with no butt-kissing donations? Because 3,000$ a month is PEANUTS!!

  3. does this mean that sybil is in love with herself?

  4. Sybs copied and pasted so much that this didn't show. She can't hide this:

  5. Just in case Sybil doesn't know, "DYOFDW" means "Do your own Fucking Dirty Work." Why total strangers would welcome an off-topic message and do her bidding is beyond any sane person's knowing, but Sybil seems to think it'll work.

    And "IKYABWAI" means "I know you are, but what am I?" In other words, she's getting a "neener, neener, so what?" from Google Groups.

  6. LOL anon @ 11:33! Sybil is telling people to email her at one of her own gmail addesses AND referring to herself as a bully!

  7. Ooh interesting. I got thrown out of chat for saying hello. Perhaps it was the name I chose?

    That sounds like exactly the thing you accuse the Weirdlinks admin of doing. Pot = Kettle?

  8. Sybil is so transparent. Like we can't tell who it is when she signs on using somebody else's real name.

  9. Oh was that someone's real name? Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not who you suggest I am. Too much wacky 'backy for you, you're become paranoid.

  10. You know we can smell it when you post in here anonymously, Sybil. It smells like jalapenos and grease. And desperation.

  11. So sorry to tell you that your nose isn't working. You just think you know it all, but in reality you don't

  12. Of course Sybil's nose doesn't work too well since she's surrounded by the smell of grease and cat pee all the time.

  13. OK...I'm new to the whole weirdlinks/sybilskharma thing. Is there a place to read from the beginning to understand the drama and why weirdlinks is no more?

  14. Anon, you can start with the blog archinve.

    The first posts are from February of this year.

    It gives you the background and everything you'll need to know about weirdlinks/sybil/sybilskharma.

    If you have any questions, you can email SK at the gmail address listed under the picture of the Natty Ice Man.


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