Thursday, July 29, 2010

Natty Ice Chat

hey all, i've set up natty ice chat so we can catch up on all the latest with each other. :-)

Who Drove Her Home from the Hospital?

of course the unlicensed BUM drove the low-rider to fetch Sybil from the hospital!
Does anyone here really think Sybil would pay for a cab to and from the hospital?lolz. no fucking way. She puts that damn bum in the drivers seat and lets him drive her home.

The bum loves that damn truck of hers. He wishes he could drive it around all the time. Why the hell did her brother help her buy a mexican low-rider??? did she lie and tell him it was properly set on its wheels?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pee Photos AGAIN?

We all knew Sybil would post another photo of her magical piss, but we're not posting that. Her kidneys are not celebrities, and oversharing of her urine adventures is not necessary. Instead, please enjoy this lovely bouquet!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ding Dong... Anybody Home? Nope!

By "popular demand," Sybil added a forum back to her site. But even her syncophants know better than to bother registering because everybody knows she'll blow out the membership rolls as soon as she gets a single unflattering comment. So why bother to post at all? Indeed.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Troll Story

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Sybil's Kharma is Now Syndicated!

Now you can double your fun by subscribing to Sybil's Kharma via RSS feed! Just check out those lil clicky icons above the Natty Ice man, and you can get SK content AND the comments delivered right to you. Don't miss a thing, kiddies!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sybil is Offended?

We never thought we'd see the day when Sybil gets offended by the very type of statement
she routinely makes about others. Wonder what's got her in such a genteel mood today that she can't handle her own filth thrown back at her. Do monkeys in the zoo have mood changes like this when hurling their own poop around?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Video: The Art of Photobumming

Sybil's call to "a correctional facility" didn't go as well as she'd planned. Not only was it a faked call, but the real drama was happening in the background. Watch the evidence yourself!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Today's the Day: Will the Bum Qualify for SSI?

Will the bum be able to summon the spirit of Norma Desmond and put on a dramatic show that'll convince the government that she's really disabled and desperately needs to be supported by taxpayers?

Or will she stagger in, reeking of Natty Ice, and blow the whole thing?

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Look, you dumbfuckingbitch, we all know, that you know, your disability money can't be attached in a lawsuit; therefore, you feel free to spew all kinds of false accusations that have no proof or basis in fact; ie; that my SKYPE account was pranking your home phone, BULLSHIT!!! PROVE IT!!!!!!! So sorry tard, but "print outs" of faked / 'shopped screen shots DOES NOT CONSTITUTE PROOF OF ANYTHING.

I am getting tired of your shit.

You think you are cute playing disinformation agent, it's not cute and you're not getting away with anything. Lawsuits and Law Enforcement require PROOF, something u do not have. Your rants and raves about imaginary phone calls etc don't make the grade, asshole.

But u know what? If someone actually did win a lawsuit against you, why, there is always that ridiculous low-rider truck u adore so much LOL.. good lord, what would the bum do if he couldn't be escorted about town by his caretaker in such low-riding style? Where would his 30 pack of Natty Ice go? Would he have to walk through the desert to the store to buy and carry it for himself? And what about the trips to the casino? I guess you'd have to resign yourself to gambling at the local 7-eleven or supermarket, some place u could walk to. rotfl.

So fuck u sybil. You are a pimple on the ass of life.

The DMCA Smackdown Update

And the winner is... NOT SYBIL! In her latest video (which we haven't bothered to download), Sybil admits that Google and Blogspot won't take down SK or Grifter because we have the right to free speech. Blogspot has restored all 2 or 3 of the posts that were put into draft mode, so feel free to peruse the entire site and enjoy ALL the contents. A big thank you to the US Constitution, and high five to Lady Liberty! Holla!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Yep, She's an Idiot

Sybil has got to be the only woman in the world who would run an air conditioner with the sliding door wide open!

Bigger than Jesus?

Know how I know you're a narcissist? When God doesn't just answer your prayers, but He OBEYS you. And you expected that to happen.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sybil's Visit to The "Nutritionist"

One thing I won't argue is that the focus of that nutritional meeting seemed to be in two areas, 1. cutting down Sybil's portions and 2. reducing sugar intake.

Of course the Nutritionist gave Sybil the huge generic bottles of Costco vitamins, tells her "tilapia" is better for her than pigs feet (true) and so on... Sybil needs very basic information because she is a complete tard when it comes to researching and planning her diabetic regime. They know good and well that Sybil is going to be right back at the bum's behest for pig foot stew and grease balls, so giving her the cheap generic vitamins to make up for some of the nutritional loss is better than nothing!! All of this I completely agree with.

None of this changes the fact that Sybil shops for shit food at Walmart and tilapia is a JUNK FISH that eats turds.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sybil Makes the News

Valley of the Hogs: Squealy O'Hara

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all
Go ask Sybil
When she’s ten feet tall

(Another collaborative effort by SD and LadyMiss Chumley.)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sybil Admits Her Anger and Fear is Phony

Miss Sybil clearly states that she enjoys the blogs set up to offer commentary on her and her website. Nope, she's not scared or angry, it's all just a fun game to her. So, keep the posts and comments coming folks because Sybil LIKES IT!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Sybil made mincemeat of her ex in this Twitter diatribe. Not only that, but she boasts about having sex with his brother. Shame, shame Sybil. These are the people who are now helping you bother public servants and to harass and stalk your imaginary enemies? They must have terribly short memories.

Sybil's in Love!

Sybil found her dream man at last!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Frozen Trotters: A Cool Summer Treat

Sybil indulges her animal appetite with a pigsicle, and Natty Ice to cleanse her palate. What could be better on a hot summer day?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

When it comes to celebrating the Independence of these United States, we're sure Sybil will be flying the red, white and blue. Okay, she'll actually be swilling down the red mostly. As a member of the Rossi Posse, it's her job to preach the gospel of fortified "health wine." Bottoms up!

(A collaborative effort by the Photoshop Phairy and LadyMiss Chumley.)

An Old, But Wonderful Bum Story!

Confirmation of Bum's 5 DUIs at last!

It also appears that Bum has no problem waking his best girlfriend up at 1am on a school night and forcing her to drive him to a drunken breakfast.

Thanks for the Advertising!

It appears that The High Weirdness Project is referring people to blogs devoted to exposing Miss Sybil. Thanks much for the plug!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lord of the (Cock)rings

This LOLSteve of Sybil fondling a tired, old, dried-out love utensil was brought to you by The Photoshop Phairy.
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