Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sybil's Visit to The "Nutritionist"

One thing I won't argue is that the focus of that nutritional meeting seemed to be in two areas, 1. cutting down Sybil's portions and 2. reducing sugar intake.

Of course the Nutritionist gave Sybil the huge generic bottles of Costco vitamins, tells her "tilapia" is better for her than pigs feet (true) and so on... Sybil needs very basic information because she is a complete tard when it comes to researching and planning her diabetic regime. They know good and well that Sybil is going to be right back at the bum's behest for pig foot stew and grease balls, so giving her the cheap generic vitamins to make up for some of the nutritional loss is better than nothing!! All of this I completely agree with.

None of this changes the fact that Sybil shops for shit food at Walmart and tilapia is a JUNK FISH that eats turds.


  1. I Call A Spade A SpadeJuly 15, 2010 at 11:17 PM

    Remember that last diet Sybil was on? She never lost an ounce. She put on more pounds as a matter of fact.

  2. If Sybil doesn't immediately get her schoolgirl figure back the Nutritionist will be lambasted on the site and called an "ignorant cunt" or something similar.

    And Syb is so pleased that the Nutritionist liked her use of salsa as a condiment, like Syb invented it. Salsa has outsold ketchup for how many decades now?

  3. "Penniless misery" my ass. That fool could win the lottery every day, and still it wouldn't be enough for her to piss away. She just can't live on $100 tax-free dollars a day because she's irresponsible and has no impulse control.

    Sure, the nutritionist told her to lay off the taters and white rice (which we've been telling her for ages), but she probably thinks now that she can continue to eat crap as long as she puts salsa on it and takes Costco vitamins.

  4. Last night she was totally convinced that she is gonna sue everybody and get rich from it. That fat-assed lying moron needs to learn what living poor is really like. Somebody must've told that queen she was special way too many times when she was a young princess.


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