Hurry, hurry hurry... Step right up, grifters and bums! Spin the wheel and see where it lands! Will it be commentary, advice, parody or satire?
Have you been banned from Sybil's site? Welcome to the club!
Still entertaining your interracial sex fantasies involving mythical "Sybil" I see. You're the one with the ugly mind, LadyMiss, coming up with ugly thoughts about Sybil being this monster you scrounged from the Web. All you do is think ugly thoughts desperately trying to incite attention. An ugly, sick, hateful anti-social woman with no life fixating on an aging homosexual with AIDS.
Quit with the contradictions. Quit with the character assassination. Quit with your evil thoughts focusing on someone you don't know personally and have never met.
Just stop. Get therapy. And get a life.
Your "artwork" is not funny, it's not clever, it's not entertaining. It only shows your abusive nature, your ignorance and your annoying fixation.
Clearly you fantasize about huge black, cum-filled cocks going into Sybil's ass, her mouth and all over her face. You get all excited by the vision of Sybil nude crawling on all fours squealing like a pig as she begs for black dicks to go up in her.
Psychological issues m'dear, psychological issues... fuck school, check your sick ass into a rubber room.
Hey Syb's, what gives you the impression you're qualified to tell anyone to get therapy, because honestly, you don't seem to have a whole lot on the ball yourself.
Well "Sybil" is not fixating and obsessing setting up 6 hate sites about some guy who bumped your ass off his website. All you do is piss and moan about nonsense, you make up shit and you create fake commentors and visitors.
If that ain't NUTS, you are on another planet.
Now get some psych help and quit sticking your big fat nose in the lives of people you don't know personally or who have never met! You're a fucking psychopath stalker.
The artwork is an example of what an abusive person does to their victim. If you care to research domestic violence, an abuser uses methods to humiliate and isolate his/her victim. One of the common tactics is by way of drawing pictures of the victim, altering images of the victim and the setting up of websites to shame and humiliate the victim.
You're engaging in all of these activities. Any judge and jury will know your nature and intent right off just by looking at this nonsense.
Yes, she IS the victim here. There you go again LYING, being contradictory. This is a serious mental deficiency of yours. You're constantly trying to minimize your actions by shifting them onto your victim. This, too, is yet another form of the domestic violence abuser. You're a text book case, LadyMiss.
And your enabler here (one old fat bitch who sits on her ass all day) obviously has the same issues. I wouldn't be at all surprised if a private detective discovered rap sheets on the two of you.
We already know Sueann has a lengthy one. :-)
And Miss Thing in Frisco will have an attempted grand larceny one for his email to poor Steve trying to extort $3 grand out of him.
A GRAND LARCENY shakedown followed by several years of stalking and harassment online won't look very good to your doggy customers, Miss Thing.
I will be at The 440 tonight at 7:30 on my knees sucking men's cocks for Super Bowl Sunday festivities. Then I'll mosey on over to The Last Call bar to say hi to the owner, Kevin. We will have a very interesting chat.
[insert the song "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" here]
Sybil knows nothing about psychology but that's all she talks about. Here's a fancy schmancy psychological term for you Sybs, you're a friggin' WHACK JOB!!
False accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions, such as Wikipedia or[5]
False victimization. The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a number of well-known cases.
so now sybil is bragging that she's having sex in public places. guess she's eager to spend time in jail where she'd have an endless supply of black gangbangers to service.
Sybil wants people to think she is the shit. With her personality type and her obvious mental illness,(Sybil also doesn't have a sensitivity chip) it's a bad combo.
You think Sybil's the bomb and that's why you're writing about her hourly every day! If she were not important to your miserably angry felching life you'd probably flip out and go run down some kids crossing a cross walk or something. You're feeding off Sybil. You're a glutton, feeding off someone else because your life is so dull and irrelevant, isn't that the case, LadyMess? FEEDING. CONSUMING. FEEDING AND CONSUMING!
Sybil's the one doing the feeding and consuming. Look at that fat ass and moobs Sybil has. This isn't LMC posting either. Sybil isn't that smart, not that she ever was to start with. She's on this blog every two minutes checking to see if there's any new posts.
It IS LMC and you're a fucking retard with no life. If you put as much energy into looking for a job as you do here stalking Sybil you'd be up to your big mouth in money. So shut the hell up you fucking creepy psycho. Who the fuck cares who you are anyway. You're nothing more than a raging mass of human flesh with a brain the size of an artichoke heart.
Yo Syb's You think LMC's the bomb and that's why you're looking here hourly every day! If she were not important to your miserably angry felching life you'd probably flip out and go run down some kids crossing a cross walk or something. You're feeding off LMC. You're a glutton, feeding off someone else because your life is so dull and irrelevant, isn't that the case, Sybil? FEEDING. CONSUMING. FEEDING AND CONSUMING!
Oh Sybil, I was wondering when to expect the FBI, CIA, Mossad, Hell's Angels, and my local police department? After all, they've been watching me for years...aren't they ready to spring their trap?
Syb's how you figure I'm stalking you? I don't go to your site and you just won't go away. You're the stalker the way I see it. Would you like to spew some more of your filth now? Because that will really help your case when the KGB comes for me.
You ARE stalking Sybil by the very act of writing commentary on this stalking website, you fucking goon! Fuck, are you really THAT stupid? The way you write gives you away; I'm certain you have a mental disability of some sort. Autistic, aren't you? Do you have some sort of birth defect? You certainly seem a bit off. You have to have psychological issues of some sort or another to be here engaging this psychopath. To me, you're like a Nazi follower of Hitler, an ignorant woman, a stupid moronic SLOB SOW with no life, no friends, no respect for others and severely lacking in any form of common sense or decency.
You're complete garbage in Sybil's eyes. A loathsome slimeback of a subculture of psychoneurotic who trolls the Web targeting others to vent your frustration and hatred out on.
You need mental help and something productive to do with your free time (obviously you don't work).
It's called freedom of speech douche bag. The same thing that gives you the right to spew your filth all over the interwebz. And you should practice what you preach, you might consider some therapy yourself. I never found myself sucking on some black guys dick that I didn't know. You're a filthy immoral pig, now get out of here, mind your own business and leave us alone....stalker.
Oh, and just where do you work Sybil?? Seems like you spend most of your time on-line. Hell, you don't even have a friend. In fact your own family wants nothing to do with you. Schmuck.
By definition, a stalker is a coward, like all bullies, like all who attack from behind, or in the dark.
Stalkers make it personal - You make it impersonal.
Not invariably, but usually, stalkers are none too bright; as JR would say, "The Elevator Don't Reach the Top Floor" - few intelligent people would go down the road to stalksville. Some, of course, are severely mentally ill.
Your attacks should be in response to the stalker's - and their first line of defense will be to accuse you of stalking - so don't go over the top.
Share The Laughter - However unnerving a stalker may be, if you look at them coldly in the light of day, they are pretty ridiculous.
Be consistent - once you have identified their weaknesses (besides being a loopy, cowardly piece of slime!), use the information against them, in every response.
Be careful - one of the first defences of a stalker is to claim that you stalked them, and any defence by you may be used against you as claimed cyberbullying.
Ah shutup. Everyone knows what you're doing here and on your other hate pages about me. It's character assassination, making false allegations, making up lies and attempts to damage someone's reputation.
No matter how you spin it, the fact is you're posting here with the explicit intent to abuse, i.e. libel.
And for someone who claims they don't visit Sybil's website, that's another lie. The log reports show you're going there often, despite being banned. You're using your cingular cell phone and going to public libraries for access as well.
The problem with a crazy broad like you is you are so ignorant to think that people watching your running commentary know you're obsessed and seeking validation in some sort of weird revenge scheme.
Just leave me, my cats, my friends and family ALONE.
You're some kind of nutcase stalker.
This is going to end badly for you doing time in jail on felony federal cyber-stalking charge. There's an Internet cyber FBI file on you, your website, and the known stalkers who frequent it.
you have no friends, all your cats want from you is food, and your family wants nothing to do with you. And if you would quit STALKING us, you'd never know we were here.
Blah blah blah, jail, jail jail, federal charges, FBI, CIA, geez don't you know ho to say anything else? No one has done or said anything different on this site for the last two years. If we're doing anything illegal, why haven't we gotten busted yet? What are all these law enforcement agencies that are at your beck and call waiting for? Why don't you sic them on us? You should look over your own shoulder as I've filed complaints about all the filthy gay porn you post. You filthy pig. LEAVE US ALONE YOU STALKER!!! JUST GO AWAY!!
She also seems to not understand that it's only libel if it's not true. All I've ever called you is a filthy pig. I think anyone who's ever seen that piece of trash you call a web site would agree.
See, the thing is I don't run this site. I have nothing to do with it, so whatever is here is not in my control. And I also happen to be a man, a straight man. You're delusional, and a FILTHY PIG.
"Both the psychopath and sociopath fail to feel remorse or guilt. They appear to lack a conscience and are completely self-serving. They routinely disregard rules, social mores and laws, unmindful of putting themselves or others at risk."
"Though psychopaths do not feel for others, they can mimic behaviors that make them appear normal. A sociopath more often lacks the skills and drive for mimicking normal behavior, making “seemingly healthy” relationships and a stable home less likely. Upon meeting, one would have more of a tendency to trust a psychopath than a sociopath."
I feel rather sorry for Bum and the cats. Sybil is a powder keg waiting to go off.
Her cats are almost as fat as she is. Someone should call Animal Protective Services and have them removed for their own good. I'm sure someone who actually knows how to take care of animals would be glad to take them.
oink oink! and you love the pig that's why you come here to write about her and try hard to visit her site using TOR, your latest attempt posted on Sybil's diary
I haven't looked at your site in years, too much gay porn, hasn't been any fun in a long long time. Contrary to what you believe, not everyone is beating down the door to look at your trash, you self obsessed filthy pig.
So what? Who the hell cares if you visit it? You seem to think what you do is of vital importance, a sign of an inflated ego common with crazy people. Especially a trait of a domestic violence abuser.
In truth, you're just a homely old fat bitch with no life who enjoys mouthing off about the business of others to make your tired fat ass feel good about yourself. You've got a lot of issues going on in your life and you're trying to use someone else as the blame for them.
You're a psychopath stalker with psychological problems fixated on a fat old fag. Don't you think that's on the sick side, fatso? Why are you following around a fat old fag with AIDS, constantly writing about him as though you know him personally? That's what's fucken NUTS about you.
If you aren't concerned about your "Sybil" then why do you keep writing about him? Why are you constantly coming here to check for his responses to your ignorant, retarded comments?
And why did you try to register on Sybil's site under the user name "SybilsAFilthyPig" using a Polish TOR server?
You're a pathological liar. You lie constantly. You're constantly posting lies and false allegations. And you say that's NOT STALKING... You gotta be a complete mentally retarded moron to think what you're doing is not harassment, which I think you are.
There's something wrong with you, your mind, your morality and your ethics it's quite obvious. Anyone reading the stuff you've been writing will agree you have mental issues and they seem to be escalating. They're going to get you arrested for harassment if you don't put a lid on it and mind your own business.
You're going to Sybil's website constantly looking for personal information. The logs prove it and your accesses are being saved and sent along to the detective who is monitoring this case. And that is the absolute truth. We know who you are and where you are coming from, along with your Internet provider and IP addresses. You can't hide changing your IP, nor can you hide through using TOR and other proxies. Our software reads and reveals the true IP address -- and it has been pointing back to your Internet provider each time.
There is a police complaint report about you on file and also an FBI cyber harassment complaint about you on file as well.
You are a very nosy old woman who needs to mind her own business. And you're some kind of a nut with problems dealing with other people. You are over 50 years old and you're online constantly harassing a homosexual.
You are a hate minded person who is anti-gay, a right wing conservative religious nut case. The FBI is watching people like you and they are catching you, fining you and sometimes putting your kind in jail. Your remarks about "gay porn" on my website (which there isn't any) are indicitive of your true anti-gay nature. You are using this blog as a venue to vent your hate. You've also set up other websites doing the same thing. If a judge in court were to see all of this, you'd certainly get your fat ass in serious trouble, possibly a big fine and your internet privileges taken away in judgment.
You don't seem to realize (because I believe you have serious mental problems with judgement) that you could get into serious trouble. What you're doing here just isn't funny "free speech" -- it's harassment. You're harassing someone, following them, posting false allegations and you're attempting to ruin someone's reputation in doing so.
The intent of this blog is clear, it's here to harass, humiliate and abuse someone. That is the purpose it serves. You're also encouraging others to harass through it, thereby implicating them in your severe psycho meglomania that is going to get a bunch of innocent people in trouble as well. You're craziness is dragging others down the toilet with you. That's how stupid you are. You don't even realize what the fuck you are doing and the harm you're going to cause others.
You'd had better stop with the stalking and stay off Sybil's website. It's being monitored daily and your accesses recorded.
Quit bothering other people and get a life and some psycho therapy.
How would you know if there's gay porn on the site unless you've been watching it! Link to the movie! The only "gay porn" is in your filthy mind you moronic little slut cunt.
So stay the fuck off his site then, you don't control what others put on their sites! And links to porn sites isn't illegal, either!
You're a fucking total moron. Your father's cum had too many gene pool disorders in it that made you into the psychoneurotic little tramp that you are. You're mentally retarded with learning disabilities!
I have nothing to worry about because I never go to your site, and if you think I do then you have no idea how to use your tracking software. Now take your over inflated ego and get out, you knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, self important, filthy pig.
You "never go there" because you were BANNED, that's why. Your IP range is known and you know it. You will only go there using a proxy server to hide -- but the catch it you're not anonymous at all. The tracking software checks the physical IP, not the cloaked one. You're so busted it isn't even funny. What an ignorant, vile woman you are. A true piece of human scum from the cesspool that is your mother's quim.
LOL An individual doesn't have an "IP Range." He/she has a unique IP address. Sybil's strategy of blocking entire ranges of IP addresses can block oodles of addys that are not even remotely linked to the person Sybil's trying to block. FAIL!
If Sybil didn't care about what we say here, why is SHE here all the time stalking US? She's been threatening us for years. Nothing will come of it, because we're not breaking the law. Sybil is by posting that porn on her website. It's a violation of her hosting co. and her ISP TOS.
IF there was a detective watching this site, which of course there is not, I'm sure he appreciates Sybil coming in here and telling everyone what he is doing. Geez, Syb's you're as dumb as a box of rocks. Pig.
Her highest employment achievement was being a clerk typist. She obviously never bothered to learn the definitions of the legalese being dick-tated to her. What a moron. It's clear she refuses to educate herself beyond collecting filthy porn piz.
Perfect picture of Sybil getting ready for a load of black spooge.
ReplyDeletelooks like all that ugliness on sybil's inside is making her even more ugly on the outside
ReplyDeleteLooks like Sybil lost some weight and had some plastic surgery on her face.
ReplyDeletesybil's moobs are coming along nicely!
ReplyDeleteStill entertaining your interracial sex fantasies involving mythical "Sybil" I see. You're the one with the ugly mind, LadyMiss, coming up with ugly thoughts about Sybil being this monster you scrounged from the Web. All you do is think ugly thoughts desperately trying to incite attention. An ugly, sick, hateful anti-social woman with no life fixating on an aging homosexual with AIDS.
ReplyDeleteQuit with the contradictions. Quit with the character assassination. Quit with your evil thoughts focusing on someone you don't know personally and have never met.
Just stop. Get therapy. And get a life.
Your "artwork" is not funny, it's not clever, it's not entertaining. It only shows your abusive nature, your ignorance and your annoying fixation.
Clearly you fantasize about huge black, cum-filled cocks going into Sybil's ass, her mouth and all over her face. You get all excited by the vision of Sybil nude crawling on all fours squealing like a pig as she begs for black dicks to go up in her.
Psychological issues m'dear, psychological issues... fuck school, check your sick ass into a rubber room.
oh shut up steve
ReplyDeleteHi Sybil/Steve!
ReplyDeleteHey Syb's, what gives you the impression you're qualified to tell anyone to get therapy, because honestly, you don't seem to have a whole lot on the ball yourself.
ReplyDeleteWell "Sybil" is not fixating and obsessing setting up 6 hate sites about some guy who bumped your ass off his website. All you do is piss and moan about nonsense, you make up shit and you create fake commentors and visitors.
DeleteIf that ain't NUTS, you are on another planet.
Now get some psych help and quit sticking your big fat nose in the lives of people you don't know personally or who have never met! You're a fucking psychopath stalker.
I thought the artwork was extremely funny and clever!
ReplyDeleteSybil, the worlds arbiter of taste!
That artwork looks exactly like Sybil!
ReplyDeleteThe artwork is an example of what an abusive person does to their victim. If you care to research domestic violence, an abuser uses methods to humiliate and isolate his/her victim. One of the common tactics is by way of drawing pictures of the victim, altering images of the victim and the setting up of websites to shame and humiliate the victim.
ReplyDeleteYou're engaging in all of these activities. Any judge and jury will know your nature and intent right off just by looking at this nonsense.
Oh shut up Steve.
ReplyDeleteGets to ya doesn't it, Linda?
DeleteDoes she know how to say anything else? Geez, sounds just like a broken record....
ReplyDeleteSybil loves to play the 'victim.'
ReplyDeleteShe's anything but.
Hi Sybs!
Oh, and STFU.
Yes, she IS the victim here. There you go again LYING, being contradictory. This is a serious mental deficiency of yours. You're constantly trying to minimize your actions by shifting them onto your victim. This, too, is yet another form of the domestic violence abuser. You're a text book case, LadyMiss.
ReplyDeleteAnd your enabler here (one old fat bitch who sits on her ass all day) obviously has the same issues. I wouldn't be at all surprised if a private detective discovered rap sheets on the two of you.
We already know Sueann has a lengthy one. :-)
And Miss Thing in Frisco will have an attempted grand larceny one for his email to poor Steve trying to extort $3 grand out of him.
A GRAND LARCENY shakedown followed by several years of stalking and harassment online won't look very good to your doggy customers, Miss Thing.
I will be at The 440 tonight at 7:30 on my knees sucking men's cocks for Super Bowl Sunday festivities. Then I'll mosey on over to The Last Call bar to say hi to the owner, Kevin. We will have a very interesting chat.
ReplyDelete[insert the song "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" here]
Sybil knows nothing about psychology but that's all she talks about. Here's a fancy schmancy psychological term for you Sybs, you're a friggin' WHACK JOB!!
ReplyDeleteSybil also thinks she's a lawyer. And she knows nothing of law either.
ReplyDeleteSybil is a big fat liar, and doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.
ReplyDeleteSybil has proved she's a cyberstalker.
ReplyDeleteFalse accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions, such as Wikipedia or[5]
False victimization. The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a number of well-known cases.
where is that felty. i wanna suck his cock!
ReplyDeleteStop planting baits, LadyMiss. Sybil has no interest in Felty's penis. It's white!
Deleteso now sybil is bragging that she's having sex in public places. guess she's eager to spend time in jail where she'd have an endless supply of black gangbangers to service.
ReplyDeleteHah! Her latest sock is Little Miss Sunshine.
ReplyDeleteSunshine won't be shining on that fat ass of hers anytime soon!
Sybil wants people to think she is the shit.
ReplyDeleteWith her personality type and her obvious mental illness,(Sybil also doesn't have a sensitivity chip)
it's a bad combo.
Obviously Sybil IS the shit to you, since you've set up 6 websites about her.
DeleteMore contradictory remarks. You're batshit insane LadyMiss. See solitude in a nice, clean, white rubber room.
I seek solitude in a six pack on a rock in the park myself.
ReplyDeleteHi Sybs!
ReplyDeleteOf course I'm shit. And my shit doesn't stink like other people's does either.
ReplyDeleteThere you go, thinking you're just the bomb.
In your sleep, 'cuz you're not when you're awake.
You think Sybil's the bomb and that's why you're writing about her hourly every day! If she were not important to your miserably angry felching life you'd probably flip out and go run down some kids crossing a cross walk or something. You're feeding off Sybil. You're a glutton, feeding off someone else because your life is so dull and irrelevant, isn't that the case, LadyMess? FEEDING. CONSUMING. FEEDING AND CONSUMING!
ReplyDeleteSybil's the one doing the feeding and consuming.
ReplyDeleteLook at that fat ass and moobs Sybil has.
This isn't LMC posting either.
Sybil isn't that smart, not that she ever was to start with.
She's on this blog every two minutes checking to see if there's any new posts.
It IS LMC and you're a fucking retard with no life. If you put as much energy into looking for a job as you do here stalking Sybil you'd be up to your big mouth in money. So shut the hell up you fucking creepy psycho. Who the fuck cares who you are anyway. You're nothing more than a raging mass of human flesh with a brain the size of an artichoke heart.
DeleteIf Sybil pissed beer I'd gladly drown myself.
ReplyDeleteNo it's NOT LMC.
ReplyDeleteSybil thinks she's the ultimate know-it-all.
Hi Sybs.
Yo Syb's
ReplyDeleteYou think LMC's the bomb and that's why you're looking here hourly every day! If she were not important to your miserably angry felching life you'd probably flip out and go run down some kids crossing a cross walk or something. You're feeding off LMC. You're a glutton, feeding off someone else because your life is so dull and irrelevant, isn't that the case, Sybil? FEEDING. CONSUMING. FEEDING AND CONSUMING!
Shut up retard. Quit reposting what's already been posted. You have about as much brains as a pregnant ant.
Deletedoes sybil even have a peener?
ReplyDeleteone of her cats mistook her teeny peeny for a vienna sausage a long time ago
ReplyDeleteWee-wee-wee! All you ugly ass bitches do is whine, whine, whine! Fuck. Shut the hell up and get a goddamn life already.
Wee-wee-wee! Sybil you ugly ass bitch all you do is whine, whine, whine! Fuck. Shut the hell up and get a goddamn life already.
Oh Sybil, I was wondering when to expect the FBI, CIA, Mossad, Hell's Angels, and my local police department? After all, they've been watching me for years...aren't they ready to spring their trap?
ReplyDeletebe careful what you wish for...
Deleteeyes are watching your stalking activities..
Here we go again.
sybil can't tolerate any teasing which is typical of a narcissist
ReplyDeleteSybil is moobalicious!
ReplyDeleteSyb's how you figure I'm stalking you? I don't go to your site and you just won't go away. You're the stalker the way I see it. Would you like to spew some more of your filth now? Because that will really help your case when the KGB comes for me.
ReplyDeleteYou ARE stalking Sybil by the very act of writing commentary on this stalking website, you fucking goon! Fuck, are you really THAT stupid? The way you write gives you away; I'm certain you have a mental disability of some sort. Autistic, aren't you? Do you have some sort of birth defect? You certainly seem a bit off. You have to have psychological issues of some sort or another to be here engaging this psychopath. To me, you're like a Nazi follower of Hitler, an ignorant woman, a stupid moronic SLOB SOW with no life, no friends, no respect for others and severely lacking in any form of common sense or decency.
DeleteYou're complete garbage in Sybil's eyes. A loathsome slimeback of a subculture of psychoneurotic who trolls the Web targeting others to vent your frustration and hatred out on.
You need mental help and something productive to do with your free time (obviously you don't work).
Get counseling.
It's called freedom of speech douche bag. The same thing that gives you the right to spew your filth all over the interwebz.
DeleteAnd you should practice what you preach, you might consider some therapy yourself. I never found myself sucking on some black guys dick that I didn't know. You're a filthy immoral pig, now get out of here, mind your own business and leave us alone....stalker.
Oh, and just where do you work Sybil??
DeleteSeems like you spend most of your time on-line. Hell, you don't even have a friend. In fact your own family wants nothing to do with you. Schmuck.
How many of these criteria point to Sybil?
ReplyDeleteBy definition, a stalker is a coward, like all bullies, like all who attack from behind, or in the dark.
Stalkers make it personal - You make it impersonal.
Not invariably, but usually, stalkers are none too bright; as JR would say, "The Elevator Don't Reach the Top Floor" - few intelligent people would go down the road to stalksville. Some, of course, are severely mentally ill.
Your attacks should be in response to the stalker's - and their first line of defense will be to accuse you of stalking - so don't go over the top.
Share The Laughter - However unnerving a stalker may be, if you look at them coldly in the light of day, they are pretty ridiculous.
Be consistent - once you have identified their weaknesses (besides being a loopy, cowardly piece of slime!), use the information against them, in every response.
Be careful - one of the first defences of a stalker is to claim that you stalked them, and any defence by you may be used against you as claimed cyberbullying.
This describes Sybil to a T, I'd say.
Ah shutup. Everyone knows what you're doing here and on your other hate pages about me. It's character assassination, making false allegations, making up lies and attempts to damage someone's reputation.
DeleteNo matter how you spin it, the fact is you're posting here with the explicit intent to abuse, i.e. libel.
And for someone who claims they don't visit Sybil's website, that's another lie. The log reports show you're going there often, despite being banned. You're using your cingular cell phone and going to public libraries for access as well.
The problem with a crazy broad like you is you are so ignorant to think that people watching your running commentary know you're obsessed and seeking validation in some sort of weird revenge scheme.
Nobody's buying, so quit wasting your time.
filthy pig
DeleteSybil is quite the filthy pig.
ReplyDeleteJust leave me, my cats, my friends and family ALONE.
ReplyDeleteYou're some kind of nutcase stalker.
This is going to end badly for you doing time in jail on felony federal cyber-stalking charge. There's an Internet cyber FBI file on you, your website, and the known stalkers who frequent it.
you have no friends, all your cats want from you is food, and your family wants nothing to do with you. And if you would quit STALKING us, you'd never know we were here.
ReplyDeletesybil's being verbose again. what's she jacked up on this time?
ReplyDeletefilthy pig
ReplyDeleteBlah blah blah, jail, jail jail, federal charges, FBI, CIA, geez don't you know ho to say anything else? No one has done or said anything different on this site for the last two years. If we're doing anything illegal, why haven't we gotten busted yet? What are all these law enforcement agencies that are at your beck and call waiting for? Why don't you sic them on us? You should look over your own shoulder as I've filed complaints about all the filthy gay porn you post. You filthy pig. LEAVE US ALONE YOU STALKER!!! JUST GO AWAY!!
ReplyDeleteNot until these libelous sites about Sybil are taken down. What do you expect when you're writing untrue smack about someone, flowers and candy?
DeleteJust shut your fat ass, frump.
When you fuck with people, be prepared to be fucked back!
DeleteIt's only libel if it isn't true...idiot....Sybil think's she's a lawyer.
Deletefilthy pig
Sybil thinks constitutionally protected free speech only pertains to her,
ReplyDeleteShe also seems to not understand that it's only libel if it's not true. All I've ever called you is a filthy pig. I think anyone who's ever seen that piece of trash you call a web site would agree.
ReplyDeleteBTW Syb's, you never told us where you work? Is it a secret??? hmm???
ReplyDeletetaking care of her bum is a full-time job for sybil
See, the thing is I don't run this site. I have nothing to do with it, so whatever is here is not in my control. And I also happen to be a man, a straight man. You're delusional, and a FILTHY PIG.
DeleteNow go away you stalker.
And you've got some nerve calling anyone fat, you look in a mirror lately? You fat friggin' filthy pig.
ReplyDeleteSybil is trash. She is the type of person that loves drama and loves to cause it; she feeds off of it.
ReplyDeleteSybil is such a mean-minded predictable fatass pr---k. Doesn't she ever do anything but moan?
ReplyDeletesybil is, in fact, a filthy pig. all you have to do is look at her website to realize it.
ReplyDeleteby the way, sybil never did answer one of the many pending questions posed to her. did she or did she not boink her wife margarite?
ReplyDeleteWas Margarite a black dude?
ReplyDeletemargarite was sybil's female wife, a mexican who he married so she could get her green card and work the welfare system.
DeleteIs Sybil a sociopath or a psychopath?
"Both the psychopath and sociopath fail to feel remorse or guilt. They appear to lack a conscience and are completely self-serving. They routinely disregard rules, social mores and laws, unmindful of putting themselves or others at risk."
"Though psychopaths do not feel for others, they can mimic behaviors that make them appear normal. A sociopath more often lacks the skills and drive for mimicking normal behavior, making “seemingly healthy” relationships and a stable home less likely.
Upon meeting, one would have more of a tendency to trust a psychopath than a sociopath."
I feel rather sorry for Bum and the cats.
Sybil is a powder keg waiting to go off.
Stop wasting your time cutting and pasting all this psychological babble.
DeleteFACE IT: You're a twisted little whore with an extreme fixation on an old fag.
It can't get any weirder than that, bitch.
Her cats are almost as fat as she is. Someone should call Animal Protective Services and have them removed for their own good. I'm sure someone who actually knows how to take care of animals would be glad to take them.
ReplyDeleteYou homely old sows need to take your false teeth out for a soak!
ReplyDeleteThen you can suck my gay cock and swallow some swallow a few tablespoons of AIDS-infested spunk.
sybil hates jews so she, of course, would hate jesus
DeleteFACE IT: You're a twisted homely whore with an extreme fixation on an old fag.
ReplyDeleteIt can't get any weirder than that, bitch.
Face it, you're a filthy pig.
DeleteSybil is the one that needs to look in the mirror.
ReplyDeleteShe's a filthy pig both inside and out.
oink oink! and you love the pig that's why you come here to write about her and try hard to visit her site using TOR, your latest attempt posted on Sybil's diary
DeleteI haven't looked at your site in years, too much gay porn, hasn't been any fun in a long long time. Contrary to what you believe, not everyone is beating down the door to look at your trash, you self obsessed filthy pig.
DeleteSo what? Who the hell cares if you visit it? You seem to think what you do is of vital importance, a sign of an inflated ego common with crazy people. Especially a trait of a domestic violence abuser.
DeleteIn truth, you're just a homely old fat bitch with no life who enjoys mouthing off about the business of others to make your tired fat ass feel good about yourself. You've got a lot of issues going on in your life and you're trying to use someone else as the blame for them.
You're a psychopath stalker with psychological problems fixated on a fat old fag. Don't you think that's on the sick side, fatso? Why are you following around a fat old fag with AIDS, constantly writing about him as though you know him personally? That's what's fucken NUTS about you.
If you aren't concerned about your "Sybil" then why do you keep writing about him? Why are you constantly coming here to check for his responses to your ignorant, retarded comments?
And why did you try to register on Sybil's site under the user name "SybilsAFilthyPig" using a Polish TOR server?
You're a pathological liar. You lie constantly. You're constantly posting lies and false allegations. And you say that's NOT STALKING... You gotta be a complete mentally retarded moron to think what you're doing is not harassment, which I think you are.
DeleteThere's something wrong with you, your mind, your morality and your ethics it's quite obvious. Anyone reading the stuff you've been writing will agree you have mental issues and they seem to be escalating. They're going to get you arrested for harassment if you don't put a lid on it and mind your own business.
You're going to Sybil's website constantly looking for personal information. The logs prove it and your accesses are being saved and sent along to the detective who is monitoring this case. And that is the absolute truth. We know who you are and where you are coming from, along with your Internet provider and IP addresses. You can't hide changing your IP, nor can you hide through using TOR and other proxies. Our software reads and reveals the true IP address -- and it has been pointing back to your Internet provider each time.
There is a police complaint report about you on file and also an FBI cyber harassment complaint about you on file as well.
You are a very nosy old woman who needs to mind her own business. And you're some kind of a nut with problems dealing with other people. You are over 50 years old and you're online constantly harassing a homosexual.
You are a hate minded person who is anti-gay, a right wing conservative religious nut case. The FBI is watching people like you and they are catching you, fining you and sometimes putting your kind in jail. Your remarks about "gay porn" on my website (which there isn't any) are indicitive of your true anti-gay nature. You are using this blog as a venue to vent your hate. You've also set up other websites doing the same thing. If a judge in court were to see all of this, you'd certainly get your fat ass in serious trouble, possibly a big fine and your internet privileges taken away in judgment.
You don't seem to realize (because I believe you have serious mental problems with judgement) that you could get into serious trouble. What you're doing here just isn't funny "free speech" -- it's harassment. You're harassing someone, following them, posting false allegations and you're attempting to ruin someone's reputation in doing so.
The intent of this blog is clear, it's here to harass, humiliate and abuse someone. That is the purpose it serves. You're also encouraging others to harass through it, thereby implicating them in your severe psycho meglomania that is going to get a bunch of innocent people in trouble as well. You're craziness is dragging others down the toilet with you. That's how stupid you are. You don't even realize what the fuck you are doing and the harm you're going to cause others.
You'd had better stop with the stalking and stay off Sybil's website. It's being monitored daily and your accesses recorded.
Quit bothering other people and get a life and some psycho therapy.
There's no gay porn on your website???? Who's the liar now you filthy pig.
DeleteHow would you know if there's gay porn on the site unless you've been watching it! Link to the movie! The only "gay porn" is in your filthy mind you moronic little slut cunt.
DeleteSo stay the fuck off his site then, you don't control what others put on their sites! And links to porn sites isn't illegal, either!
You're a fucking total moron. Your father's cum had too many gene pool disorders in it that made you into the psychoneurotic little tramp that you are. You're mentally retarded with learning disabilities!
And you're also an ALCOHOLIC
I have nothing to worry about because I never go to your site, and if you think I do then you have no idea how to use your tracking software. Now take your over inflated ego and get out, you knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, self important, filthy pig.
ReplyDeleteYou "never go there" because you were BANNED, that's why. Your IP range is known and you know it. You will only go there using a proxy server to hide -- but the catch it you're not anonymous at all. The tracking software checks the physical IP, not the cloaked one. You're so busted it isn't even funny. What an ignorant, vile woman you are. A true piece of human scum from the cesspool that is your mother's quim.
DeleteLOL An individual doesn't have an "IP Range." He/she has a unique IP address. Sybil's strategy of blocking entire ranges of IP addresses can block oodles of addys that are not even remotely linked to the person Sybil's trying to block. FAIL!
DeleteIf Sybil didn't care about what we say here, why is SHE here all the time stalking US?
ReplyDeleteShe's been threatening us for years. Nothing will come of it, because we're not breaking the law.
Sybil is by posting that porn on her website. It's a violation of her hosting co. and her ISP TOS.
Ah shuddup you looney retard. Go back to sowing seeds on your farm
DeleteIF there was a detective watching this site, which of course there is not, I'm sure he appreciates Sybil coming in here and telling everyone what he is doing. Geez, Syb's you're as dumb as a box of rocks.
What's even dumber is you're checking here hourly and responding to him to keep the contact going.
Deletefilthy pig
DeleteOh, you mean like what you're doing?
DeleteSybil thinks she got some tips on being an attorney from Laub&Laub.
ReplyDeleteShe also stole all the cream, sugar and coffee stirrers from the cafeteria.
Her highest employment achievement was being a clerk typist. She obviously never bothered to learn the definitions of the legalese being dick-tated to her. What a moron. It's clear she refuses to educate herself beyond collecting filthy porn piz.
ReplyDeletesybil can't hold a job. she's too fat to fit in a cubicle.