Hurry, hurry hurry... Step right up, grifters and bums! Spin the wheel and see where it lands! Will it be commentary, advice, parody or satire?
Have you been banned from Sybil's site? Welcome to the club!
Sybil, first of all, you don't know who owns this web site. Second of all, it sounds like you're admitting to hacking into a government server to obtain confidential government info. Seems to me that's probably against the law. Got it screen capped just in case, but we all know you're too stupid to hack your way into anything.
“It is unlawful for any person, with intent to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend, to use ANY ELECTRONIC OR DIGITAL DEVICE and use any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggest any lewd or lascivious act, or threaten to inflict physical harm to the person or property of any person.”
LOL! Sybil copied that text from Arizona's proposed law. Arizona is always passing laws the infringe on people's constitutional rights that end up being overturned. Sybil is so stupid.
Sybil considers herself above the law. She can break whatever laws she pleases, but everyone else has to toe the line. Typical sociopathic behavior for her. Nothing new there.
Harassing and cyber-stalking someone sick with AIDS shows that you have serious psychological issues. Your commentary is not funny, though in your twisted, delusional sociopath mind you think it is.
Of all the mean things! I can't believe the lack of moral scruples of the person running this blog to be doing to someone. You're a terrible, disgusting person. Shame on you.
Of all the mean things! I can't believe the lack of moral scruples of Steve MacDonald running his hate websites. You're a terrible, disgusting person. Shame on you.
Sybs would love to prosecute any or all of us, but she can't. Everything we've said is the truth, so therefore we can't be prosecuted for libel, neither for 'stalking.' Hi Sybs! SNAP!
Look who's calling Sybil a filthy pig. You, bitch, have the flabbiest, fattest ass in town from sitting all day obsessing over an old fat fag with AIDS. Bitch, get a friggen life. You're crazy as fuck and you know it.
Sybil likes to omit the fact that she lived in a dumpy trailer in San Jose. Now she lives in a dumpy apartment in Reno. She didn't move up in the world, she just changed locales.
That's right. Sybil's always complaining about the horrible dumps she lives in. There have been a bunch over the years too. Manic depressives tend to bounce around a lot.
More lies. Sybil stays in one place for years. She is not a mover. Everything you say is a lie. You're clearly a pathological liar, which is part of your mental illness of obsession compulsive disorder. You are a delusional, mean and vicious person. There's something wrong with you and you need to get psychological help.
No one forced Sybil to live in those dumps either. She could have gotten something better in the first place, but it's what she wanted. She loves to whine-and that gets old after a while.
She needs to live in places where her trashy lifestyle fits in so she can get drunk and rowdy and beat up her boyfriend when she feels like it. She'd be evicted in a second if she lived in a place that doesn't tolerate that sort of behavior.
You don't know what you're talking about. Everything you're writing is a complete lie. A delusional fantasy. You know absolutely nothing. All you're doing is posting lies in your smear campaign. You must be a very ignorant, reckless person to spend time writing fantasy. You're just trying to get others to agree with you. You are so fixated in your crazy beliefs that you actually believe your lies. You're dangerous. A scary, creepy kind of person who belongs behind bars. You're a dangerous threat to others. You're constantly thinking about your victim, which is what a stalker does. And you are posting anonymously with the intention of convincing anyone who reads this slop that there are many who agree with you. You're a crazy delusional psychopath. A very sick and disturbed weirdo.
Look you fucking little cocksucker, if you don't quit with the bullshit your faggot ass is gonna land in jail. I know who you are and I've fucking reported you to the cops in your area. I told you to quit harassing me and you keep on. You're gonna get your sick mutha fuckin ass locked up.
Sybil is so damn stupid. She thinks we're all one and the same,and we're not. WE'RE ALL SEPARATE PEOPLE YOU FAT STUPID DUMB ASS--GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!!
'your area'-ROFLMAO!! She has no idea what area of the country any of us are in. She has no idea who's posting here, and she can't hack into Google's servers. What a filthy stupid dumbass Sybil is.
Sybil knows we're more than one person. She just insists that it's just one person in case some one she can scam comes here. So it looks like one disgruntled person instead of a whole slew of people she ripped off. Not everyone is as stupid as Sybil is.
wtf? crazy cunt always has to say something. you got a big fat mouth fucken old ass bitch always gotta put your two cents worth in dont you fat assed old four eyed sow
What on earth does Alec Baldwins stalker have to do with this site or any of us? No one here has so much walked across the street to lay eyes on you. You flatter yourself you stupid fat filthy pig.
Sybil needs to do some basket weaving or knitting instead of parking her fat ass in here 23 hours a day waiting for somebody to post, so then she can pounce.
'In cases where the alleged stalking involved the internet, email,text-messaging or something similar in a way that increases the risk of harm or violence to the "victim", the prosecutor will then bring charges for a category C felony in Las Vegas. The sentence includes 1 to 5 years in Nevada State Prison and maybe a $10,000 fine.'
Contradiction. YOU keep pushing the envelope publishing this site stating you're watching Sybil and going to her website when she has asked you to leave her alone. You keep on antagonizing her. You're going to be prosecuted for what you are doing. You've been warned.
You are ignorant of the law and you're playing with fire. Leave it alone and mind your own business.
Hey Syb's, no one here has ever said they are "watching" you. We've also asked you to leave us alone, and lo and behold, you won't, so tell me, what exactly is the difference between what we do and what you do?? hmm??? And it's not uncommon to want visitors when you run a web site. If you don't want visitors, take it down, or make it private.
And again with the threats. I get tired of this. Same old, same old. Prosecution, law suits, blah, blah, blah. Who on earth do you think is stupid enough to believe these idle threats of yours?
No Sybil, I'm not going to turn you in for stalking, although that is what you're doing here, because I'm not a childish drama queen like you. Nor am I fat filthy pig like you either.
But you ARE a fat filthy pig! You are so ugly and anti-social you have no life other than here insulting somebody you don't know! You get off creating this delusional DRAMA you've made into 5 sites on Blogger!
You gotta screw loose, you mentally deranged homo! Get a life, dirty rat scum!
No Sybil, thats not me at all. I'm 6'1" 190 lbs, and straight as an arrow. And, no, I haven't created a single site anywhere. I've got a life, unlike you. And, I never dropped trou for some diseased black dude I didn't know. I'm not a sperm repository like you either. Oh,and I actually have a job, I don't try to scam people and beg like you do. So, in conclusion, no, I'm not a fat filthy pig...YOU ARE!!!! (And you're delusional too)
BTW, you might want to take a minute and consult your dictionary, if you have one, which I doubt, as you don't seem to have any interest in improving yourself, and look up what the word STALK means. You haven't used it correctly yet.
What the fuck is a "straight as an arrow" man doing on this fag's site writing a bunch of bullshit about an old fag with AIDS for, then? What the fuck is wrong with you, mother fucker? Must have a screw loose to be wasting time on this bullshit.
MORE LIES. Fact is you're a sick queer who is hiding, but we (as in others who read this swill) know full well who the fuck you are and if you don't knock it off you're gonna get your fat ass arrested. Just shut your stupid deranged fucking yap cuz nobody's interested in your vindictive little agenda.
Well, I come to this site to keep others from getting ripped off, that's why. I have no idea who runs this site, gay or not, nor do I care who he/she sleeps with. And again, I have to disagree, you have no idea who I am. You're just throwing shit on the walls waiting for something to stick. Oh, and I have nothing against gays, just you, even though you are an immoral filthy pig. "Fact is", that's funny, you don't have a clue what a fact is in your delusional mind. And whats even funnier, is your tough guy threats. I'm shaking in my boots. Tell you what, here's the way I see it. You're a sniveling, spoiled little drama queen. You don't have a pot to piss in, and since you don't have a case here, no lawyer in his right mind is going to represent you pro bono, not even a mall lawyer. And since you can't afford to pay anyone, hell you're lucky to get the rent paid, I think you're out of luck. So you think you're a tough guy and you know who I am? Come and get me. I'll tear you apart in court, and I'll look forward to it you FILTHY PIG.
You couldn't even fit into a pair of boots you fat slob. You spend a lot of time making assumptions about a stranger's business and you are writing false allegations constantly. You're in dire need of therapy for your obsessive delusions. You are an ugly, miserable person who spends time hiding anonymously online writing vindictive, vicious things. There's something wrong with you. A normal, well-adjusted adult does not spend their time doing such things. You must lead a very sad life if this is all you've got to do with your time. You're sick and you need to get a grip before you lose control and wind up behind bars for harassment. The only person who is "immoral" is you for your vicious, vindictive conduct here. You're going to get into serious trouble if you don't stop the harassment.
What amazes me the most is that Steve is actually perpetuating this site by his constant responses He has destroyed his own site and built this one in its place
This is Hellucinator. For years I've enjoyed reading WeirdLinks but now no more thanks to Steve's constant wimpy whining about being stalked that caused him to talk his own website down - FUCKING OFTEN. I declare the winner of the website: Sybil's Karma, as even tho I hate it, for standing up and kept this site UP & RUNNING. As for the loser - his name is STEVE, because he is FUCKING WEAK. He cannot maintain his stand steady. Instead what did he do? Pulling down his website once TOO MANY TIMES that I lost counting. This is very revealing of his own personality that the very name Sybil began to shine slowly in a creepy way thru Steve's OWN heart. Steve, you are the most wussiest fag I have ever known. I am even considering of removing my bookmark of your weirdlink website.
Goodbye Steve...(what's the use of adding anything to your name cuz of no difference)
Hellucinator here. No this is NOT a fucking faggot. I'm a straight dude who happen to like his weird link website. I can see that both of you has at it so long that you couldn't tell the difference between who posted comments. What a pity.
It's never over for Sybil. Her constant stalking, her threats and harassment of people on this blog is never ending. She always says she's never coming back, and it's over. She's always lurking, always stalking.
Looks like you've been doing your fair share of stalking too, Anonymous. You even donated $$$ to get the new website URL from Sybil and she's been keeping a log of your accesses.
FYI: Whenever you donate through PayPal, the person who receives the donation also receives the person's name, address and email address.
Sybil has your information now to use in legal action against you.
Hey Sybil, what happened to last month when you said the same had someone's email address from PayPal to use against someone in a legal action? And it seems to me I'm supposed to be in some kind of legal action too. I'm still waiting for your lawyers. Where are they? And I thought you said you weren't coming back here any nore either. Hey, I've got a riddle... Q: How can you tell when Sybil is lying? A: Her mouth is moving.
Sybil's always trying to figure out ways to stalk people. Getting people's personal information through paypal when they donate must be one of her favorites.
Isn't that hacking into PayPals site? She could really get into trouble for that one. I'd rather pay directly with my credit card, instead of using PayPal. My computer has the appropriate security precautions, especially with Sybil lurking/stalking. If she was that smart, she'd know who's posting here, and she doesn't. Sybil is just guessing.
Take your web site and stick it where the sun don't shine. Oh wait, I forgot, there's no part of your body where the sun don't shine. Yours is all flappty flappity and worn out. Filthy pig.
Sybil's playing again. She's not responding to let us think that she doesn't care about this blog and that she's moved on. She hates being ignored. Sybil really loves this blog, as it's about her. She's still lurking/stalking.
She'll be back shortly, it's almost the end of the month, she'll be out of money shortly, and when she can't afford to feed her buzz anymore, she'll be in here going through withdrawal and taking it out on us.
And it wouldn't surprise me if she has sexually assaulted someone either. And I just bet the Leshers could afford an attorney too! BTW Syb's, you keep coming back here after you swore you wouldn't. Whats up with that?
Sybil keeps coming back because she's needy. It's not like she has any other remotely social contacts with the world. We're all she has!
I doubt she's sexually assaulted anyone, though. That would take effort on her part, and she seems like far too much of a pillow queen to exert herself topping from the bottom.
Anyone want to start a pool to bet on what day Sybil runs out of money and comes in here off the rails again? Last month she made it to the last week of the month.
Hmm, considering today would probably be the deadline for paying rent, she'll probably be out of money this evening. Having spent most of her cash on SSI Payday for gin, greasy pork meat and Natty Ice for her pet bum.
ROFL! Grazing area is funny. Sybil's grazing area would be 15-20 acres. That might be enough. Sybil obviously can't read. "Do the same thing for the queers and the homosexuals..." That guy is referring to you too Sybs. Snap!
Sorry to put a damper on your party but I posted that message about Pastor Worley not Steve or Digger or Sybil as you call him. I am Aaron and I am 100% straight. I dislike you for what you are doing. I miss weird links. It is gone because of you crazy homos. So fuck off. Steve or Sybil if your reading I hope you are OK-- I don't blame you for taking your site away from this asshole but hope you come back
Speaking for myself, I'm not a homo. I'm straight. So Sparks Guy/Aaron, you don't know what you're talking about. What a a-hole you are. Sorry to put a damper on YOUR party, but that's the way it is.
Sybil didn't take her site down because of us, she took it down because she's so fat her fingers are as round as sausages and when she tries to type she can't help but mash several keys at the same time. BTW Syb's, I'm still waiting for the law to come get me, and the lawyers, etc, etc. What happened? Did you decide to spare us in your infinite wisdom? Filthy pig.
Stop calling Sybil crazy. You're the one making up all these sites about her. You obviously have deep psychological problems. You're obsessed with a total stranger you've never met and have no contact with. What's worse is you're pretending to be a lesbian woman named "LadyMissChumley" when in truth you're nothing but an ugly little middle-aged anti-social faggot who lives in a shitty single-wide trailer. And you've got this whackjob fat old lady in Washington state harping along with you.
You're a sick little queer wasting time obsessing on a total stranger you've somehow attached yourself to on the Internet.
More contradictory accusations. You're the alcoholic. You have a history of alcoholism and drug use. You're always trying to project your sickness on Sybil. Your the one obsessing about Sybil all the time lying and making up accusations as if you know her! Shut the fuck up you deranged little sick faggot.
How about Sybil makes a website about you on Blogspot using your real name and location? How about a spoonful of your own medicine. How about your name getting in the search engines with a complete dossier of what you've been up to? Try to get a job after your reputation is made public on the Internet.
OK "LadyMiss", you asked for it. Just couldn't keep your stupid mouth shut. I'm going to spread your name all through the Internet. By the time I'm through, you'll wish you'd never fucked with me, you deranged ugly little piece of shit.
Wow, Sybil is off the rails again! Relax dear, you'll get paid in a few more days. I guess withdrawal is a bitch huh? But you go do whatever you want. You go ahead and make your little web site up. I don't really care, because you don't have a clue who I am or where I live. How many hundreds of millions of people are in this country, let alone the world, and you think you're just going to randomly pick a name and guess correctly? You're so stupid it's not funny...well actually it is funny. "Don't fuck with me" ROTFLMAO!!!! We've been fucking with you for years dingus, and you've been incapable of doing anything yet. But this time it's different right?? Oh and one more thing, you're a STUPID FILTHY PIG!!!!
ahahahahahaha! you fell for it! sucker! weee weeeeee
ReplyDeleteHow's the weather in Austin, Mark?
How did Sybil meet someone in Austin, Nevada?
DeletePosted online now, the owner of sybils kharma arrest record and psychological report from veterans admin
Sybil is living proof that you can't fix stupid.
ReplyDeleteSybil, first of all, you don't know who owns this web site. Second of all, it sounds like you're admitting to hacking into a government server to obtain confidential government info. Seems to me that's probably against the law. Got it screen capped just in case, but we all know you're too stupid to hack your way into anything.
ReplyDeleteGoogle owns this website doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteSybil's video to you.
filthy pig
DeleteSybil admits in the video she's a 'ho?
ReplyDeleteWe already knew that, nothing new there.
“It is unlawful for any person, with intent to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend, to use ANY ELECTRONIC OR DIGITAL DEVICE and use any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggest any lewd or lascivious act, or threaten to inflict physical harm to the person or property of any person.”
ReplyDeleteWell, that pretty much gets you in trouble, doesn;t it Sybil? Filthy pig.
DeleteHi Sybil. Why have you been habitually doing all of those things ever since you discovered the internet?
DeleteSybil definitely has the sociopathic trait of believing the law doesn't apply to her.
There goes Sybil, making up laws again. Notice there's no other info about this "law".
DeleteLOL! Sybil copied that text from Arizona's proposed law. Arizona is always passing laws the infringe on people's constitutional rights that end up being overturned. Sybil is so stupid.
DeleteThat text has been going around Facebook all day and getting lots of laughs. LOL!
DeleteSybil considers herself above the law. She can break whatever laws she pleases, but everyone else has to toe the line.
ReplyDeleteTypical sociopathic behavior for her.
Nothing new there.
Today=Walk in Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteSybil has a phone therefore she has a lawyer.
So funny and so stupid.
Harassing and cyber-stalking someone sick with AIDS shows that you have serious psychological issues. Your commentary is not funny, though in your twisted, delusional sociopath mind you think it is.
ReplyDeleteYou should be prosecuted for libel.
Of all the mean things! I can't believe the lack of moral scruples of the person running this blog to be doing to someone. You're a terrible, disgusting person. Shame on you.
DeleteOh, hi Sybil. Another new troll name I see.
DeleteShaemeka? Really?
Delete[sybil blushes, covers her mouth and giggles]
Of all the mean things! I can't believe the lack of moral scruples of Steve MacDonald running his hate websites. You're a terrible, disgusting person. Shame on you.
ReplyDeleteSybs would love to prosecute any or all of us, but she can't.
ReplyDeleteEverything we've said is the truth, so therefore we can't be prosecuted for libel, neither for 'stalking.'
Hi Sybs!
Are you a qualified legal expert? All that coming from an obsessed stalker running these 5 sick ass bitch sites. Get lost you old 'tard.
DeleteHi Sybil!
DeleteAre a qualified legal expert-- All that coming from an obsessed sociopath running hate sites.
Get lost you old 'tard.
Yes, Sybil is a legal expert, what ever she says is law. Just ask her, she'll tell you.
DeleteSybil, legal expert, filthy pig.
Look who's calling Sybil a filthy pig. You, bitch, have the flabbiest, fattest ass in town from sitting all day obsessing over an old fat fag with AIDS. Bitch, get a friggen life. You're crazy as fuck and you know it.
DeleteFilthy Bitch Pig
filthy pig......
ReplyDeleteMiss Sybil, queen of fake diabetes, will be chowing down on 10 pounds of chocolate bunnies on Sunday.
ReplyDeleteSo? Better she do that than chow down on 10 pounds of anti-psychotic meds like you do in your sleazy trailer, LadyMiss trailer trash!
DeleteLooks like Sybil forgot to take her lithium lately.
DeleteSybil likes to omit the fact that she lived in a dumpy trailer in San Jose.
ReplyDeleteNow she lives in a dumpy apartment in Reno.
She didn't move up in the world, she just changed locales.
That's right. Sybil's always complaining about the horrible dumps she lives in. There have been a bunch over the years too. Manic depressives tend to bounce around a lot.
DeleteMore lies. Sybil stays in one place for years. She is not a mover. Everything you say is a lie. You're clearly a pathological liar, which is part of your mental illness of obsession compulsive disorder. You are a delusional, mean and vicious person. There's something wrong with you and you need to get psychological help.
DeleteYeah you stayed in your dumpy trailer in San Jose for years. How many years was it now Sybs.
DeleteNo one forced Sybil to live in those dumps either. She could have gotten something better in the first place, but it's what she wanted.
ReplyDeleteShe loves to whine-and that gets old after a while.
She needs to live in places where her trashy lifestyle fits in so she can get drunk and rowdy and beat up her boyfriend when she feels like it. She'd be evicted in a second if she lived in a place that doesn't tolerate that sort of behavior.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know what you're talking about. Everything you're writing is a complete lie. A delusional fantasy. You know absolutely nothing. All you're doing is posting lies in your smear campaign. You must be a very ignorant, reckless person to spend time writing fantasy. You're just trying to get others to agree with you. You are so fixated in your crazy beliefs that you actually believe your lies. You're dangerous. A scary, creepy kind of person who belongs behind bars. You're a dangerous threat to others. You're constantly thinking about your victim, which is what a stalker does. And you are posting anonymously with the intention of convincing anyone who reads this slop that there are many who agree with you. You're a crazy delusional psychopath. A very sick and disturbed weirdo.
DeleteProve it and you can't.
DeleteWe have the goods on you Sybs.
You also post as 'Anonymous'.
Ladymiss chumley a.k.a Steven Felty,
ReplyDeleteLook you fucking little cocksucker, if you don't quit with the bullshit your faggot ass is gonna land in jail. I know who you are and I've fucking reported you to the cops in your area. I told you to quit harassing me and you keep on. You're gonna get your sick mutha fuckin ass locked up.
Oooo! Sybil's doing her gangsta routine again. Is anybody scared yet? Bwuhahahahahaha!
DeleteSybil, you're such a silly goose. Oh, and a filthy pig too.....almost forget.
DeleteSybil is so damn stupid. She thinks we're all one and the same,and we're not.
'your area'-ROFLMAO!!
DeleteShe has no idea what area of the country any of us are in.
She has no idea who's posting here, and she can't hack into Google's servers.
What a filthy stupid dumbass Sybil is.
Sybil knows we're more than one person. She just insists that it's just one person in case some one she can scam comes here. So it looks like one disgruntled person instead of a whole slew of people she ripped off. Not everyone is as stupid as Sybil is.
Deletewtf? crazy cunt always has to say something. you got a big fat mouth fucken old ass bitch always gotta put your two cents worth in dont you fat assed old four eyed sow
ReplyDeletefilthy pig.....
DeleteYes, Sybil's status as a crazy cunt has been confirmed.
ReplyDeleteIs Sybil going to sic her motorcycle gangs on us again-tsk tsk.
ReplyDeleteHow stupid she is.
Her go get 'em mentality.
STFU Sybil.
Sybil's motorcycle gang call themselves "The Raging Queens".
Deletea thing u need 2 know
Oh, is Sybil stalking celebrities in person now?
DeleteNobody is following you or stalking you bitch.
DeleteOh really? Then why do you have this website and the others???
DeleteWhat on earth does Alec Baldwins stalker have to do with this site or any of us? No one here has so much walked across the street to lay eyes on you. You flatter yourself you stupid fat filthy pig.
DeleteMy encounter with Sybil on the street.
Sybil needs to do some basket weaving or knitting instead of parking her fat ass in here 23 hours a day waiting for somebody to post, so then she can pounce.
ReplyDeleteYour mother is a whore.
DeleteSybil's mother choked down sailor cocks.
DeleteHi Sybil!
DeleteSybil's web hoster must have finally nailed her on TOS violations. It's about time.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you checking, faggot?
DeleteIt's apparent Sybil hasn't checked Nevada stalking laws.
ReplyDelete'In cases where the alleged stalking involved the internet, email,text-messaging or something similar in a way that increases the risk of harm or violence to the "victim", the prosecutor will then bring charges for a category C felony in Las Vegas.
The sentence includes
1 to 5 years in Nevada State Prison
maybe a $10,000 fine.'
Sybil keeps pushing the envelope.
Contradiction. YOU keep pushing the envelope publishing this site stating you're watching Sybil and going to her website when she has asked you to leave her alone. You keep on antagonizing her. You're going to be prosecuted for what you are doing. You've been warned.
DeleteYou are ignorant of the law and you're playing with fire. Leave it alone and mind your own business.
There's certainly plenty of eveedunce to show a prosecutor that Sybil has threatened violence toward others repeatedly over the years.
Deleteeveedunce, huh?
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
DeleteSybil has a glass apartment, and it's been shattered.
A good picture of Sybil is her driving while holding a video camera, smoking a cigarette and drinking a cocktail at the same time.
DeleteHey Syb's, no one here has ever said they are "watching" you. We've also asked you to leave us alone, and lo and behold, you won't, so tell me, what exactly is the difference between what we do and what you do?? hmm??? And it's not uncommon to want visitors when you run a web site. If you don't want visitors, take it down, or make it private.
ReplyDeleteAnd again with the threats. I get tired of this. Same old, same old. Prosecution, law suits, blah, blah, blah. Who on earth do you think is stupid enough to believe these idle threats of yours?
BTW, you're still a fat, filthy pig.
Sybil thinks she's clean because she keeps a douch hose in a constant state of readiness!
DeleteSybil needs to turn herself in.
DeleteNo Sybil, I'm not going to turn you in for stalking, although that is what you're doing here, because I'm not a childish drama queen like you. Nor am I fat filthy pig like you either.
DeleteBut you ARE a fat filthy pig! You are so ugly and anti-social you have no life other than here insulting somebody you don't know! You get off creating this delusional DRAMA you've made into 5 sites on Blogger!
You gotta screw loose, you mentally deranged homo! Get a life, dirty rat scum!
No Sybil, thats not me at all. I'm 6'1" 190 lbs, and straight as an arrow. And, no, I haven't created a single site anywhere. I've got a life, unlike you. And, I never dropped trou for some diseased black dude I didn't know. I'm not a sperm repository like you either. Oh,and I actually have a job, I don't try to scam people and beg like you do. So, in conclusion, no, I'm not a fat filthy pig...YOU ARE!!!! (And you're delusional too)
DeleteBTW, you might want to take a minute and consult your dictionary, if you have one, which I doubt, as you don't seem to have any interest in improving yourself, and look up what the word STALK means. You haven't used it correctly yet.
DeleteWhat the fuck is a "straight as an arrow" man doing on this fag's site writing a bunch of bullshit about an old fag with AIDS for, then? What the fuck is wrong with you, mother fucker? Must have a screw loose to be wasting time on this bullshit.
DeleteMORE LIES. Fact is you're a sick queer who is hiding, but we (as in others who read this swill) know full well who the fuck you are and if you don't knock it off you're gonna get your fat ass arrested. Just shut your stupid deranged fucking yap cuz nobody's interested in your vindictive little agenda.
You gotta be one sick piece of work.
Well, I come to this site to keep others from getting ripped off, that's why. I have no idea who runs this site, gay or not, nor do I care who he/she sleeps with. And again, I have to disagree, you have no idea who I am. You're just throwing shit on the walls waiting for something to stick. Oh, and I have nothing against gays, just you, even though you are an immoral filthy pig. "Fact is", that's funny, you don't have a clue what a fact is in your delusional mind. And whats even funnier, is your tough guy threats. I'm shaking in my boots. Tell you what, here's the way I see it. You're a sniveling, spoiled little drama queen. You don't have a pot to piss in, and since you don't have a case here, no lawyer in his right mind is going to represent you pro bono, not even a mall lawyer. And since you can't afford to pay anyone, hell you're lucky to get the rent paid, I think you're out of luck. So you think you're a tough guy and you know who I am? Come and get me. I'll tear you apart in court, and I'll look forward to it you FILTHY PIG.
DeleteYou couldn't even fit into a pair of boots you fat slob. You spend a lot of time making assumptions about a stranger's business and you are writing false allegations constantly. You're in dire need of therapy for your obsessive delusions. You are an ugly, miserable person who spends time hiding anonymously online writing vindictive, vicious things. There's something wrong with you. A normal, well-adjusted adult does not spend their time doing such things. You must lead a very sad life if this is all you've got to do with your time. You're sick and you need to get a grip before you lose control and wind up behind bars for harassment. The only person who is "immoral" is you for your vicious, vindictive conduct here. You're going to get into serious trouble if you don't stop the harassment.
Deleteblah, blah, blah......
DeleteToday was Walk-In Wednesday, and Sybil missed it.
ReplyDeleteShut up sick faggot.
DeleteShut up raging queen.
DeleteHi Sybil!
DeleteLinda the fat old hoe and a twisted mama's boy alcoholic queer -- a match made in Hell.
DeleteSybil's mother choked down sailor cocks.
DeleteHow old are you? 14? Shows how much of a retard you are you dirty piece of SCUM.
Yeah Sybs, you're the mature one here...LMAO.
DeleteSybil the idiot who flunked first grade.
ReplyDeleteWhat amazes me the most is that Steve is actually perpetuating this site by his constant responses
ReplyDeleteHe has destroyed his own site and built this one in its place
Steve ruined his site when he stopped publishing his trashy life on the internet. Without it he has no original content.
DeleteWhat amazes me the most is that LINDA is actually perpetuating this site by her constant responses.
ReplyDeleteThis is Hellucinator. For years I've enjoyed reading WeirdLinks but now no more thanks to Steve's constant wimpy whining about being stalked that caused him to talk his own website down - FUCKING OFTEN. I declare the winner of the website: Sybil's Karma, as even tho I hate it, for standing up and kept this site UP & RUNNING. As for the loser - his name is STEVE, because he is FUCKING WEAK. He cannot maintain his stand steady. Instead what did he do? Pulling down his website once TOO MANY TIMES that I lost counting. This is very revealing of his own personality that the very name Sybil began to shine slowly in a creepy way thru Steve's OWN heart. Steve, you are the most wussiest fag I have ever known. I am even considering of removing my bookmark of your weirdlink website.
ReplyDeleteGoodbye Steve...(what's the use of adding anything to your name cuz of no difference)
Oh shutup you fucking faggot
DeleteMore of ladymiss' fake baiting messages I see
Obsessed whiner
what's "very revealing" is your continued attempts at writing phony messages in your twisted stalking campaign you ugly SCUM
DeleteHellucinator here. No this is NOT a fucking faggot. I'm a straight dude who happen to like his weird link website. I can see that both of you has at it so long that you couldn't tell the difference between who posted comments. What a pity.
ReplyDeleteSybil has RETIRED. Get it? She's G-O-N-E. No more website. O-V-E-R. Now run along and get a life.
DeleteSybil does not like anyone who writes about her here on this faggot site as you have done, Hellucinator.
Sybil will not respond further because others here are writing comments to make them look like Sybil.
This makes what....the 10th time she said she wasn't coming back here? Lying filthy pig.
ReplyDeleteI bet you spit instead of swallowing, you deranged little cocksucker
Deletefilthy pig (see, told you she lies)
DeleteSybil is RETARDED. Get it? She's R-E-A-L G-O-N-E. More and more websites. N-O-T O-V-E-R. She can't get a life of her own so it'll never be O-V-E-R.
ReplyDeleteSybil likes anyone who writes about her here on this entertaining site as you have done, Hellucinator.
Sybil will always respond further because she loves to write comments to make them look like other people.
It's never over for Sybil. Her constant stalking, her threats and harassment of people on this blog is never ending.
ReplyDeleteShe always says she's never coming back, and it's over. She's always lurking, always stalking.
Looks like you've been doing your fair share of stalking too, Anonymous. You even donated $$$ to get the new website URL from Sybil and she's been keeping a log of your accesses.
DeleteFYI: Whenever you donate through PayPal, the person who receives the donation also receives the person's name, address and email address.
Sybil has your information now to use in legal action against you.
DeleteOh by the way I never donated money to your website Sybs.
I also don't do PayPal.
You are sooo wrong. Also stupid.
Hey Sybil, what happened to last month when you said the same had someone's email address from PayPal to use against someone in a legal action? And it seems to me I'm supposed to be in some kind of legal action too. I'm still waiting for your lawyers. Where are they? And I thought you said you weren't coming back here any nore either. Hey, I've got a riddle...
DeleteQ: How can you tell when Sybil is lying?
A: Her mouth is moving.
Filthy lying pig.
If you didn't donate to sybi's site then why are you writing all the bullshit about sybil for?
ReplyDeletewhy are you posting anonymously?
why are you hiding?
Hi Sybs!
ReplyDeletewhy are you posting anonymously?
why are you hiding?
Sybil's always trying to figure out ways to stalk people. Getting people's personal information through paypal when they donate must be one of her favorites.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that hacking into PayPals site?
ReplyDeleteShe could really get into trouble for that one.
I'd rather pay directly with my credit card, instead of using PayPal. My computer has the appropriate security precautions, especially with Sybil lurking/stalking.
If she was that smart, she'd know who's posting here, and she doesn't. Sybil is just guessing.
My new website. Enjoy, tards!
Take your web site and stick it where the sun don't shine. Oh wait, I forgot, there's no part of your body where the sun don't shine. Yours is all flappty flappity and worn out.
DeleteFilthy pig.
Just a tidbit of info about that site Sybil is touting.
ReplyDeleteIt was created July 22, 2009 and the IP location is Dallas TX.
Again, Sybil thinks everyone is as stupid as she is...tsk....filthy pig.
DeleteThat's not Sybil's site.
ReplyDeleteShe's a pathological liar, of course we already knew THAT.
So now Sybil is stealing websites. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteWhere is that creep Sybil? She owes me mucho back alimony!
ReplyDeleteSybil's playing again. She's not responding to let us think that she doesn't care about this blog and that she's moved on.
ReplyDeleteShe hates being ignored. Sybil really loves this blog, as it's about her.
She's still lurking/stalking.
She'll be back shortly, it's almost the end of the month, she'll be out of money shortly, and when she can't afford to feed her buzz anymore, she'll be in here going through withdrawal and taking it out on us.
ReplyDeleteMoney burns a hole in Sybil's pocket every payday.
ReplyDeleteEither she's flush with money or she's broke, take your pick.
That's an idea! We can file a class action lawsuit to sue Sybil for defaming us.
ReplyDeleteEverybody knows what a troll Sybil is.
Hi Sybil!
And it wouldn't surprise me if she has sexually assaulted someone either. And I just bet the Leshers could afford an attorney too!
ReplyDeleteBTW Syb's, you keep coming back here after you swore you wouldn't. Whats up with that?
Sybil keeps coming back because she's needy. It's not like she has any other remotely social contacts with the world. We're all she has!
ReplyDeleteI doubt she's sexually assaulted anyone, though. That would take effort on her part, and she seems like far too much of a pillow queen to exert herself topping from the bottom.
No way could Sybil sexually assault someone. She can beat them up and throw things at them and do time for domestic violence, but that's about it.
ReplyDeleteSybil also loves the attention. She can't get the attention she craves from the bum or her cats.
ReplyDeleteThat's Sybil for ya'. Thinking she'll make a killing by pretending that she's got a lawsuit against imaginary stalkers.
ReplyDeleteSybil lies all the time. Of course she keeps coming back here. Where else is she going to go?
ReplyDeleteThis is the only interaction she has with anybody.
I sure never heard of anybody's Medicare being cancelled. Sybil tells such easily exposed lies.
ReplyDeleteAnyone want to start a pool to bet on what day Sybil runs out of money and comes in here off the rails again? Last month she made it to the last week of the month.
ReplyDeleteHmm, considering today would probably be the deadline for paying rent, she'll probably be out of money this evening. Having spent most of her cash on SSI Payday for gin, greasy pork meat and Natty Ice for her pet bum.
DeletePoor Sybil. It's Drinko DeMayo and she has no money for tequila.
ReplyDeleteYep, and her pet bum is still there, no matter how many lies she tells about him being gone.
ReplyDelete"Build a great, big, large fence -- 150 or 100 mile long -- put all the lesbians in there."
ReplyDeleteGod praise Pastor Worley
Yo Sybs, can't you read? He wants you in there too, and that's not such a bad idea.
DeleteSybil's grazing area wouldn't even fit in a pen that size.
ReplyDeleteGrazing area is funny.
Sybil's grazing area would be 15-20 acres.
That might be enough.
Sybil obviously can't read.
"Do the same thing for the queers and the homosexuals..."
That guy is referring to you too Sybs.
Not only is Sybil a FILTHY PIG, she's illiterate too.
ReplyDeleteHaving a steady diet of bum urine and semen might tend to cause retardation.
ReplyDeleteSorry to put a damper on your party but I posted that message about Pastor Worley not Steve or Digger or Sybil as you call him. I am Aaron and I am 100% straight. I dislike you for what you are doing. I miss weird links. It is gone because of you crazy homos. So fuck off. Steve or Sybil if your reading I hope you are OK-- I don't blame you for taking your site away from this asshole but hope you come back
ReplyDeleteHow interesting that Sparks Guy claims to have made that post at the exact time that Sybil was here!
DeleteSpeaking for myself, I'm not a homo. I'm straight.
ReplyDeleteSo Sparks Guy/Aaron, you don't know what you're talking about.
What a a-hole you are.
Sorry to put a damper on YOUR party, but that's the way it is.
Ummm, Syb's, I'm thinkin' you're the crazy homo.
ReplyDeleteSybil didn't take her site down because of us, she took it down because she's so fat her fingers are as round as sausages and when she tries to type she can't help but mash several keys at the same time.
ReplyDeleteBTW Syb's, I'm still waiting for the law to come get me, and the lawyers, etc, etc. What happened? Did you decide to spare us in your infinite wisdom? Filthy pig.
what a sad collection of angry, malicious crackpots with no lives
ReplyDeleteYou're projecting again Sybil.
DeleteFirst it's only one person making all these entries. Now we're "a sad collection." Geez, Syb's make up your mind.
ReplyDeleteLOL ... Sybil thinks everyone has multiple personalities just like her!
DeleteStop calling Sybil crazy. You're the one making up all these sites about her. You obviously have deep psychological problems. You're obsessed with a total stranger you've never met and have no contact with. What's worse is you're pretending to be a lesbian woman named "LadyMissChumley" when in truth you're nothing but an ugly little middle-aged anti-social faggot who lives in a shitty single-wide trailer. And you've got this whackjob fat old lady in Washington state harping along with you.
DeleteYou're a sick little queer wasting time obsessing on a total stranger you've somehow attached yourself to on the Internet.
Get therapy you fucking lunatic.
Yup, it's the end of the month and Sybil is out of money again. Relax Syb's, the gubment dole is on it's way, and you can continue to get drunk again.
ReplyDeleteMore contradictory accusations. You're the alcoholic. You have a history of alcoholism and drug use. You're always trying to project your sickness on Sybil. Your the one obsessing about Sybil all the time lying and making up accusations as if you know her! Shut the fuck up you deranged little sick faggot.
DeleteHow about Sybil makes a website about you on Blogspot using your real name and location? How about a spoonful of your own medicine. How about your name getting in the search engines with a complete dossier of what you've been up to? Try to get a job after your reputation is made public on the Internet.
DeleteDon't fuck with me!
Sybil is drunk again.
DeleteOK "LadyMiss", you asked for it. Just couldn't keep your stupid mouth shut. I'm going to spread your name all through the Internet. By the time I'm through, you'll wish you'd never fucked with me, you deranged ugly little piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteAnd Blogger doesn't remove pages either. Free speech even if it's all lies and cyber-stalking. Sound familiar, doesn't it?
DeleteWow, Sybil is off the rails again! Relax dear, you'll get paid in a few more days. I guess withdrawal is a bitch huh? But you go do whatever you want. You go ahead and make your little web site up. I don't really care, because you don't have a clue who I am or where I live. How many hundreds of millions of people are in this country, let alone the world, and you think you're just going to randomly pick a name and guess correctly? You're so stupid it's not funny...well actually it is funny. "Don't fuck with me" ROTFLMAO!!!! We've been fucking with you for years dingus, and you've been incapable of doing anything yet. But this time it's different right?? Oh and one more thing, you're a STUPID FILTHY PIG!!!!
ReplyDeleteSybil thinks she's the Sherlock Holmes of the internet.