To clarify, it is illegal for her to own any type of handgun because she has a domestic violence misdemeanor on her record. How do we know this? She told us she had that conviction (and that's where she met the bum).
Under the Gun Control Act of 1968, it is a violation of FEDERAL law for someone who has a domestic violence rap to own a handgun. The DV thing added in 1996 by the Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban, or "Lautenberg Amendment.")
So yeah, Miss Sybil the Internet Badass, you need to get that gun out of your house. Because if we really wanted to, we could have the feds at your door for that one.
Internet Badass? In her sleep.
ReplyDeleteLet's see how long it takes before she pulls that threatening pic of her waving a gun down from her site. Or claims it's a toy. (Toy guns have to have day-glo orange tips on them by law).
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, she's just a raging queen with no real bad-assedness to back up her lies and boasting. But she could definitely get herself some time in the pokey for having a gun.
Wow, you're really seizing the drag queen by the pearls!
ReplyDeleteShe'll need that rod when the Law comes a callin' for fugitive Bum.
ReplyDeleteActually, the law states that after 10 years, on a misdemeanor charge, the suspect can have a gun permit... California law, look it up, stupid.
ReplyDeleteBY THE WAY, it's a foregone conclusion that Miss Frisco Freud has a disabled person's parking permit. We all know how she loves to take advantage of every little benefit. If it were put to a wager, I'd be stealing your money.
Imagine that med marijuana smoking thing in 'Frisco pulling into a disabled person's parking lot hopping out of her truck like a teenager to go do her shopping at the gay market. Burns me up that fucken user gets away with such despicable acts taking advantage of the system. She can walk on both legs and certainly has no trouble going to gay bars for alcohol and to be pissed on, yet she gets away with a disabled person's parking permit and is freely buying medical marijuana, too. Queens like this take full advantage and use every opportunity presented to them whether they need it or not. Despicable person.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you love this guy MacDonald...you seem totally obsessed with him. You just can't stop writing/talking about him.
ReplyDeleteSybil just admitted that she has a DM conviction when just two days ago she vehemently denied it. She must be drinking so much health wine that she can't keep track of what she writes from one minute to the next. Btw, what does California law have to do with her? She doesn't live in California anymore!
ReplyDeleteHmmm.... Charming, I wouldn't call it love. Envy would be a better word for it.
ReplyDeleteEnvy, Edna? Hardly. You're not worth anyone's time of day. What have you to offer except toxicity?
I have not admitted to anything. Don't project your evil, twisted fantasies of me being a thug criminal onto me, Edna. And speaking of crimes, let me remind you once again of your federal violation of stalking laws here and on Facebook and Twitter. You're playing with fire and you'll get burned unless you get control of your obsessive-compulsive disorder problem about me. You really need to read your shrink books on yourself. All that medical marijuana has made you extremely schizophrenic and paranoid.
Defamation of character, libel, false allegations, copyright infringement, intent to damage reputation, violation of federal anti-stalking law, willful intent to damage and coerce others to damage, falsified documents, misleading accusations, chicanery, intimidation and threats to silence, phone harassment, racial prejudice against Mexican-American citizens, coercion, violation of electronics communication law of 1998... it's all here and all triable in a court of law. All done with intent to cause emotional distress and inciting violent acts toward another person.
ReplyDeleteDon't tell me about crimes. You're all responsible for it.
You're not being stalked, Sybil. Nobody has threatened you with bodily harm. None of us have called you or threated to show up at your door. You need to re-read the legal definition of stalking and examine your own behavior. You've even made videos addressing your "stalkers" with the repeated threat of "I will kill you!" And you also threatened to kick CharmingWebtraverler in the face.
ReplyDeleteP.S. The gun thing is a FEDERAL law, with no statute of limitations. Even military people and cops (who carry weapons in the course of their duties) are affected by it. Military folks get discharged and cops get fired if they've had a domestic violence conviction.
Sybil does love to make up the law as she wants it to lean in her favor doesn't she?
I told you MARIJUANA is bad shit. This dude smoked it, looked at porn and then went to rape an 8 year old girl, then stabbed her nearly to death.
The news people were quite nice to me and it was a big thrill being a star
LadyMiss Chumley wrote: "You've even made videos addressing your "stalkers" with the repeated threat of "I will kill you!" And you also threatened to kick CharmingWebtraverler in the face."
ReplyDeleteLIES LIES LIES LIES! I never did or said any of that you fucking drug addicted liar! You better quit making false allegations about me you fucking cocksucking diseased mentally deranged faggot. You are pissing me off and you'd better shut your fucking mouth or I'll send the cops to your door right the fuck now!
Joanna Lee said...
ReplyDeleteDo you really want to know how it feels to get "kicked in the face" as in your pathetic attempt at humor photoshop job? I'd be glad to kick the living shit out of your face for you.
Thanks, Anonymous! That's just one of many examples of threats of violence Sybil's made. It'd take years to catalog all the other threats, and I'm not sure I want to waste that much of my time right now.
ReplyDeleteHas it ever occurred to Sybil that she might have an anger management problem?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous post is FAKE. No such comment made. Nice try. But you know, when you run a hate site defaming someone with false libelous allegations, you have to expect some outrage from the VICTIM and his supporters. The CUNT running this thing is a bipolar lunatic with mental issues. She's under a doctor's care and has been prescribed anti-psychotic meds.
ReplyDeleteFake? ORLY? http://tinyurl.com/287fkpr
ReplyDeleteThanks again, Anonymous! Sybil has made several threatening and defamatory comments about the posters and commenters on this blog. Nobody has threatened her with violence, and yet she continues to make threats and call people names as though this were an extension of the grade school playground.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised she's not claiming that the "Vindictive Family" video she made isn't some CGI-manufactured fake, too.
ROTFL LadyMiss! It is rather surprising that Sybil doesn't claim that an imposter made her nasty videos after she's deleted them and wishes them to disappear forever.
ReplyDeleteShe's temporarily shut down her daily diary, possibly to make sure she doesn't go on any wild rants or tangents while she's wasting away.
ReplyDeleteTsk tsk. What am I thinking? Sybil doesn't have any sort of self-policing instinct for her behavior.
Sybil thinks if she deletes it, no one will know. She doesn't realize she's being watched.