One year ago today, we created Sybil's Kharma and starting posting the wackiness. Got any fond memories you'd like to share? The comments section awaits you, dahlinks!
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Oh! Oh! Remember the time Sybil threatened to sue everyone and have everyone fired and attacked by biker gangs? Good times. So what if that's what she says every day for the past ten years, it's still hilarious. Happy Birthday Beeyotches!
ReplyDeleteRemember when she said she was going sue and win the lawsuit, and then she was going to buy a new house and a laser printer? She had plans on buying a new thug twuck as well.
ReplyDeleteThe toy truck she had at Christmas time was just a reminder of the real one she had planned on.
Remember when she used to write Bum stories and people sent her money for bandwidth and then she'd complain that it wasn't enough or buy electronics with the bandwidth fund?
ReplyDeleteThat fat delusional fool is always good for a laugh.
ReplyDeleteRemember the time Sybil posted her pee pics and pic of her douchebag with hose?
ReplyDeleteOh her "I'm broke and need money for food, medicine and bandwidth" stories always ended up with a photo spread the next day of all the crap she actually bought with her donations. Essential stuff like booze, DVD box sets and assorted other "not remotely essential" things.
ReplyDeleteAnd who can forget her days with the "poor but happy Mexicans?"
Oh gawd, her pee photos. Ick. That story about how she proudly brought the clinic a mason jar of her precious morning piss. Would have LOVED to have watched that scene go down at the free clinic. "Uh, we can't use that, sir. It's not sterile." "My kitchen is cleaned with ammonia. It's more sterile than whatever dive you live in, bitch!"
ReplyDeleteThat episode is probably on some "I hate my job" nurses venting blog somewhere.
Piss Poor Behavior,
ReplyDeleteShe never said that they told her at the clinic they had no way of knowing that was her piss or not, did she? It could have been anybodys.
She put a .jpg of a jalapeno pepper in it too.
She goes to a free clinic with her income of $3000 a month tax free. Talk about ripping off the gubmint!
No Sybil, I'm not envious of that money either.
Actually, I did the photoshop of the pepper in her piss jar. And no, she did not regale us with any conversation she had with the nurses, but I'm sure it probably went a little something like that.
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, she had not been asked to bring in a jar of pee. She was supposed to give the sample AT the clinic. Sybil just volunteered her precious morning piss for them. Eww.
Sorry about that, I thought she had it on her site.
ReplyDeleteRemember when Sybil got married to Marguerite?
ReplyDeletePeople donated over $1000 and the money was never returned to the donors.
Remember when Sybil posted all kinds of nasty things about her sister in law and then poor Paula became friends with Sybil's enemies on Facebook? Sybil went totally ballistic and the videos are there to memorialize it. That had to be one of the trashiest, episodes ever.
ReplyDeleteRemember after that episode Sybil was backpedaling and said Paula was "sweet and innocent"?
ReplyDeleteHow about all the times that Sybil either died or committed suicide and then resurrected herself in the last year?
ReplyDeleteRemember when Sybil had her bedroom window open with the air conditioner by it, then cried how hot it was in there last summer?
ReplyDeleteRemember when Sybil quit her job in a rage because she was written up for being absent too much and then threatened to sue her employer for discrimination? She then flipped out totally because she couldn't get umemployment and had to go on welfare and mooch off of Bum's mother.
ReplyDeleteOh yes! Remember when Sybil rolled her car and said it was the car's fault? Then, she had the nerve to stick the loan company for the $8000 shortfall on her loan.
ReplyDeleteRemember when Sybil crabbed about people parking in handicapped parking with no handicapped permit then she did it herself?
ReplyDeleteRemember when Sybil said the parking lot at Walmart was so icy and slippery she had to be careful not to slip and fall in order not to file a lawsuit?
ReplyDeleteRolled her car? Was it the pink VW Cabriolet convertible?
ReplyDeleteMore deetz pls.
It was a Kia SUV. That's the queen's version of a butch mobile.
ReplyDeleteRemember when Bum went on a drug run to Montana and Sybil said he'd died in a plane crash? That was a riot.
ReplyDeleteOh, and when Bum got picked up by what Sybil calls his crackwhore sister to go to a wedding in San Jose? Bum staggered to the car with a beer in his hand and was told he couldn't bring it in the car with them. Sybil was so lonely while her thug bum was gone that she sobbed night and day until he returned to his private boudoir with the private beer fridge and 200 channel cable tv.
Remember when bum disappeared and she posted that on Usenet?
ReplyDeleteSybil was frantic.
Didn't she file a police report when Bum vanished?
ReplyDeleteHer husband deserted her.
I doubt the bum disappeared as much as he just looked at his ringing sailfone and saw it was "Sybil" and intentionally ignored her calls.
ReplyDeleteRemember last New Years when she bitched about Bum drinking a whole gallon of "health wine" and 2 bottles of champagne?
ReplyDeleteWhen Bum went to that wedding, didn't Sybil have a meltdown because she thought bum wasn't going to come back, or bum's sister was attempting to talk bum out of going back with Sybil?
ReplyDeleteSybil was having a nervous breakdown.
Nevada does not recognize common law marriage. Therefore Sybil and Bum are not married legally. So no Mr. and Mrs. Bum.
ReplyDeleteBesides, does anybody remember all the knockdown dragout fights Sybil and Bum had when Bum brought home all those women when they were in that dumpy trailer park in San Jose?
Sybil was green with envy!
:-P Sybil
Good Lord! How could Queen Sybil ever get her fat ass in a Kia SUV?
ReplyDeleteRemember when Sybil was crying about all the sailphones she bought for Bum? At the time it was 9?
ReplyDeleteHe told her he "lost" them. He'd sneak off and pawn them or sell them at the bar.
What's the tally at now? 15? 20?
Remember the pic of one of her bowel movements?
ReplyDeleteYou can't get much trashier than that.
Remember when Sybil and the Bum had a cookout for their ghetto thug friends? Sybil slaved in the triller making all kinds of side-dishes, but Bum forgot to cook the meat on the grill so her entire day was ruined. She screamed and yelled at her bum, but he just slugged down another beer.
ReplyDeleteRemember when Sybil was furiously packing and loading her lowrider for the move to Reno and the Bum just laid in the bed drunk, refusing to get up and help her?
ReplyDeleteRemember when her valentine sent her that box of See's candies, and she proudly showed it off wearing a tin foil hat?
ReplyDeleteRemember when Sybil said she was never going to shut down her site again....three sites ago?
ReplyDeleteRemember Sybil said she had cancer and was undergoing chemotherapy?
ReplyDeleteRemember when Sybil thought thatdamnbum and the other commentators on twitter were all Miss Ken? She tore Miss Ken a new asshole and said she was just jealous because she sucked her brother's dick. Sybil couldn't believe that only one person in the world was laughing their ass off at her.
ReplyDeleteRemember Sybil showing off her dried up cock-ring and getting all dreamy eyed about it?
ReplyDeleteOh, that was just revolting, showing off that dried up cock ring. Between that and her displays of her pee and poop -- and her buttrinse hose -- Sybil has been locked away from civilization so long that she has no idea what "inappropriate" means.
ReplyDeleteNice to know I'm not the only one who thinks Sybil is nasty and ridiculous and insane, all rolled up in one.
Remember when she posted pics of her poor bruised arm after being released from the hospital?
ReplyDeleteShe posted those poor bruised arm pics hoping to garner sympathy and donations.
ReplyDelete"Fishwife" ahahahahahaha
ReplyDelete"A fishwife or fish fag[1] is a woman who sells fish.[2] The "wife" part comes from the older meaning of "wife" as simply "woman".[3] Fish women were notoriously loud and foul-mouthed as in the expression, To swear like a fishwife. One reason for their outspokenness is that their wares were highly perishable and so lost value if not sold quickly.[4]
London's traditional fish market was frequented by such types who were known as "the wives of Billingsgate". "They dressed in strong 'stuff' gowns and quilted petticoats; their hair, caps and bonnets were flattened into one indistinguishable mass upon their heads. ... They smoked small pipes of tobacco, took snuff, drank gin and were known for their colourful language."
BUT, "The Scottish fishwives of Newhaven had quite a different reputation, being noted for their beauty and industry, and celebrated by royalty — George IV and Queen Victoria."
ReplyDeleteIsn't MacDonald Scottish??
There's always been something fishy about Sybil.
ReplyDeleteDo you remember how Sybil ranted about the horrible quality of her broken vacuum cleaner and then went out and bought an identical replacement? Whatatard.
ReplyDeleteJust stopping by to wish you all Congratulations on one year anniversary!
ReplyDeleteSeems some things change very little, especially very dumb people like MacDonald. He never learns anything it seems. Proves he is a TRUE IDIOT!