Previous posts have reported that this is the same boyfriend Sybil lived with in San Francisco. She moved him with her to San Jose so they could have a fresh start. Abusers take their victims everywhere with them!
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that is so classic Sybil, it hit all the familiar themes.
ReplyDelete1. Consorting and living with the scum of society, yet somehow considering herself an individual "above it". Come on now, only low-lives hang with low-lives.
2. Being broke. Nuff said.
3. Being the hapless innocent victim of circumstance. Roll with dogs, you catch fleas. And other stuff...
4. Wistfully loving San Fran, when she always went on about what a scummy place it was, and how glad she is she left. Some people are miserable, no matter what.
5. Begging for money online and trying to act bashful and coy about it. Professional Grifter...
wasn't she trying to claim she only realized she had diabetes recently?
The old saying goes: Birds of a feather flock together. In this case, Sybil and Bum.
ReplyDeleteShe quits her job then runs to the welfare office for a "help me! Help me! I'm sooo poor!" thing? Oh please. She should have taken her own advice and "get a job, you bum!"
ReplyDeleteAnd you're right about the diabetes. She's only claimed she just discovered that within the last year or so. A liar and a grifter.
She's moaning because there's nobody at the welfare office to motivate her and hold her hand. Give me sum moneez and find me a jerb!
ReplyDeleteSybil to English: "I have to shut down my popular website because of stalkers." means "I hate you because you're not doing my bidding and clever people are mining my archives for posts that emphasize my sloth and grifting."
OH! Did you catch the bit where she was planning on moving to Nevada if she didn't find a J-O-B? Talk about a long con, she was counting on mooching off of them for years!