folks, please note the day, it is 3 days until checks arrive in her bank account. go back and look at all of her ramblings and you will see that the most obnoxious and vile rants are always posted as she runs out of money because she hasn't budgeted from check to check. She gets angry and blames us when her bills are due. every.fucking.month. its the same thing over and over again.
and no white rice has zero fiber and london broil is not broiled. that doesn't mean that her mom didn't broil hers, its just that, no, traditional london broil is not broiled . lolz...
but hey look at the stupid she's posted today. A can of roasted salted mixed nuts, bottom of the barrel walmart brand is going to cure her cholesterol! ROTFL!!
And a package of dubious vitamin pills is going to help her diabetes. ROTFL.
I've never seen Sybil eat nutrient dense whole foods. The one thing that all the scientific data and all the medical schools teach, if u want to lower cholesterol and diabetes you must eat a WHOLE FOODS diet of fresh vegetables, fruit and WHOLE GRAINS. Hell, she lives in Reno summer desert hell land, she could be grinding her own wheat sprouts and drying loaves (essene bread) in the hot nevada sun on her porch. that's just one whole foods suggestion. the other is lots of fresh vegetable salads SANS THE ICEBERG LETTUCE -- which has zero nutrition (mostly water) that she could prepare.
I could feed Sybil better than she eats now, cheaper, on better quality food. I eat this way, myself and have health problems too that I am trying to solve with a whole foods diet and cardio exercise. But the bum isn't going to like my menus and shopping list... I really think this is what holds Sybil back from really turning her kitchen from a grease and slop center to a health center.. that damn bum of hers. If it were me of course, it would either eat the health foods and health menus I provide or it would starve.