Friday, June 18, 2010

For Bummi's Entertainment

It may be dated, but it's still relevant. Sybil is so predictable!


  1. So Sybil knows the bum has a habit of hocking everything he owns. But still, she keeps on buying that alky sailfone after sailfone.

  2. you know, what i find hilarious is how Syb manages to contradict herself constantly, sometimes within the space of a few seconds. Remember that video she posted recently after her sister made the comment on facebook about what an ingrate she is?

    She tried to act blase and say "you guys don't bother me at all, it's amusing, if anything" and then seemed to forget what she said as she then immediately went off on a rant about how much she hates you guys, etc.

    More hypocrisy now as she said previously numerous times that she is not going to shut down her site anymore because of these sites.

    If she kept her big yapper shut and not constantly referenced these two sites, they wouldn't have gotten all this fanfare.

    The simple fact of the matter is that Syb's a mean petty shut-in with no life and she needs to be able to exert control over people in the only contact with the outside world she has, her site, as she's apparently managed to alienate every other person in her real life.

    It's painfully obvious that her leech friend is only around for the free ride and if he ever gets some form of public assistance, he'll be out that door without a goodbye in a heartbeat. He's a captive audience because he's a lazy, borderline mentally retarded alcoholic dependent and has no one else to mooch off of at the moment.

    What a sad situation.

  3. Why oh why is she like this?? What has caused someone who was at one time a positive part of society in general to the paranoid delusional fruitcake that she is now ?? Why she hasn't been locked up in the Nevada mental institution is beyond me... I guess she is one of the unfortunates who slips through the cracks.....or she hasn't set off the radar to attract the states attention... yet. We all can only pray......

  4. When and if her roomie gets public assistance and if he does try to leave she'll be on him like a cat on a catnip scratching post.

  5. True. It's sad, all around. But Sybil makes her own bad karma.

    As for the bum? It's pretty bad when you can't even bum off your own family and have to sponge off a raging, mad queen for survival.

  6. you know that even Bum hates her guts, but just keeps his mouth shut because he's a mooch and a wimp.

    Honestly, what kind of friend is Syb? Anyone would be pissed to know that their supposed friend was constantly talking shit about them in detail on the internet, posting their pics, personal info, etc. and constantly talking about what a lazy inconsiderate moron they are.

    And did you ever hear Syb bark at him and call him stupid like he's a bitch in some of those videos she posted in the past? I recall one that was from a halloween at the trailer park where she did that.

    Really sad that she effectively needs to have another pet, a braindead idiot zombie as a friend because she simply doesn't know how to get along with normal people and no one wants anything to do with her nasty, vicious paranoid control freak ass.

    But of course, like everything else in her life, it's not her fault, it's everyone else's. She's just the poor, sweet, well intentioned person that gets taken advantage of. What a victim.

  7. As mean and hateful as Syb is, you know she's gonna bust the gates of Hell wide open, after all, to hear her tell she's going through Hell on earth now.....spastic bitch

  8. --- OLD NEWS ----
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  9. The Reno whore-ror that is known far and wide as the mentally challenged SYBIL has reared her ugly head.....mothers hide your children, run for the hills, she will take no prisoners...just when you thought she had the decency to just GO AWAY...she comes back like a bad penny.( and it was a penny donated to her site, mind you ) She has more lives than those shitty kitties. Now quit lurking around spying on the Grifter site, trying to see if theres any thing you can lift from that site....Enough of your ME ME ME syndrome It is not all about you! Now go take some pics of the livestock down at the rodeo....

  10. Ugghhhh, great. just what we need to see,pics of animal manure, horses asses and bull balls and other assorted animal genitals, you know it is a-coming.

  11. Sybil wanted to go to the rodeo so bad. Why isn't she there instead of sitting on her 'puter spying on SD's site?

  12. and don't forget Grifter either. You know it chaps her hide that she can't leave a comment, which usually consists of hate filled rage, delusions, and we cannot forget all the LIES that she tells, trying to put herself in a more favorable light.

  13. Since several of us are new to this wonderful site, is it possible to make a request ? The request is how did all this start? What was it that started the wrath of Sybil and then took on a life of it's own? For all of us newbies here where do we look to find the start of the saga known as Sybil ?? Just how many years has she been harrasing you fine people at SK and Grifter? You know the saying, everything OLD is NEW again. I will understand if no one wants to tell/talk about this horror.

  14. Anon@10:55

    Sybil responded to my donation and a minor last year by by libeling me on his website. Grifter is the result. Everyone else has different levels and lengths of involvement with Her High (on Healthwine and Xanax)ness.

    I'm sure they'll be glad to fill you in.

  15. Everything is archived on this site and at SD's blog. Look on the right side, and the blog entries are listed. The most recent are on the top.
    There's screen caps and some funny pics too. Check it out.

  16. It's a long story, but in a nutshell this is how the whole thing developed.

    One person began making comments on Twitter about MarkOBum a year ago. When Sybil got wind of it she advertised it on her website.

    Several other commentators joined in and that's when Sybil began stalking and harassing them, making all kinds of threats, death and otherwise. The result of her threatening behavior has been the three blogs that now exist.

    Sybil does not know when to shut her vicious and violent yap and she's merely reaping what she sowed.

  17. Heh, my comment earlier should read "minor complaint" at no point did I donate money and a minor to Sybil. Oh lord of all the things to type when he's so busy calling everyone child pornographers and piss drinkers.

  18. Teehee ... Takin' too many diet pills Elmer?

  19. My story is at

    I deleted all the nasty comments Sybil posted at my blog a long time ago. Oh and I am the newer kid on the block...chopping block that is.

  20. anyone want to place bets on how long she keeps her blog down this time? I give it 2 days.

  21. Two or three days seems to be the norm. No one would even know about these blogs if Sybil would just stay away from them. He is the one that has driven the traffic here by talking about us and posting links all over the net.


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