Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Usenet Tells Sybil What They Think of Her

Poor Sybil. There isn't a single person on the internet that likes her .... No matter what name she tries to hide under, everyone always know it's Sybil, QUEEN OF TROLLS AND SCAM ARTISTS.


  1. SO WHAT?

    Fact is they all know about you. Nothing new.

  2. oh go suck some jalapeno peepee sybil

  3. Is Sybil is down in the dumps since Laub&Laub informed her she has no case- that is if she went to see them at all?

    We tried to tell her but she wouldn't listen-sociopaths never do.

  4. She could always ask her beloved family to loan her a retainer, but OOPS, they know about Sybil the scam artist. So solly.

  5. You sure are worked up about being SUED the fuck out of, aren't you, old hen? If you were smart (and that's a huge stretch) you'd dump this blog with all the evidence. But don't listen. I'm always up for a big deposit in the bank -- and in my ass. Trick or treat, darlin

  6. Why would anyone want to destroy all the evidence against Sybil by taking down this blog?

  7. You've got to be a crazy cunt. Only a woman would harp on and on the way you do, always trying to get the last word. You must be a real piece of work to live with. Well guess what? When you're sued for libel your husband finds out and your employer (but with all your apparent free time, a job is unlikely in your case). All you do is complain and whine about irrelevant SO WHAT gripes like a goddamn harpy. You are a psycho bitch from hell. And you're going to pay dearly for it with a reduction of your assets. So keep on with the antagonism. I have all the time in the world.

    And to the DIMWIT asking why would anyone destroy the evidence: put your dope pipe down and think for a minute, moron! This bitch is a cyberstalker bully and they're not very popular right now! Get a clue bird brain!

  8. Well, her site is back celebrating what looks like kiddie porn. She is so transparent. It's as though she's just begging for a stint in prison.


  10. Sybil sure likes to mention sexual intercourse a lot. Apparently, the only way she can get a man to f*ck her is to sue it out of him!

  11. Sybil Admits to Being A WomanOctober 12, 2010 at 5:28 PM

    Sybil said: "Only a woman would harp on and on the way you do, always trying to get the last word." Guess that makes Sybil a woman doesn't it!

  12. I was about to say, "what's got Sybil all worked up all of a sudden"? Then I looked at the calendar and realized she must be broke...
    Like clockwork, folks...
    Oh, the struggle life!

  13. Sybil stays worked up and you know I think she enjoys it.

    Ssybil gets her check Friday and you can bet she can't wait. It always happens that the money doesn't last long because she doesn't know how to budget what she has and blows it on unnecessary things.

    She never takes responsibilty for her poor spending and life choices and is always blaming someone else as it's never HER fault.

  14. Sybil take responsibility? Never. It's either the Bum's fault, the power company's fault, the bank's fault, her family's fault, her ex's fault, her landlord's fault, the truck tire place's fault, the food store's fault, the government's fault, the chinese's fault, the pharmacy's fault ... the list of who she's blamed for her problems is endless!

  15. Instead of blathering on about us, why doesn't Sybil get herself a World of Warcraft account? Then she could elevate herself to SuperDwarfTroll Level 70 with her Hammer of Irresponsiblity.

  16. Instead of blathering on about Steve, why don't YOU get yourself a World of Warcraft account? Then you could elevate yourself to SuperDwarfTrollDweeb Level 70 with your Hammer of Idiocy

  17. maybe sybil isn't retarded and she's just autistic ... sure seems that way a lot of the time.

  18. If she was autistic, I'd think she'd want a lot less interaction (even online) with people. Sybil does seem to need attention and lots of it, otherwise she wouldn't be snooping on SK all the time just to see what people are saying about her.

    And for someone as obsessed with other peoples' opinions of her, Sybil seems to do nothing toward self-improvement that might make her palatable company for another human being.

  19. Oh yes Steve is sure to need the opinion of a prison laundry worker on how to improve himself. Your self imortance is misplaced!

  20. Does Bum, who worked in San Quentin's laundry, tell Sybil how to improve herself?

  21. That pesky bum doesn't wash Sybil's clothes because on Sybil knows how to do anything right!

  22. Sybil washes the bum's ratty pink panties, eh? Does he change them daily or is it only when they stick to the wall?

  23. Only when they stick to his drunken, poop-encrusted anus. That's when Sybil gets out the crowbar to pry them loose.


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