Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's a Sybil Christmas!

Oh, sing with us!
"The Bum's PINK PANTIES, 11 greasy cockrings, 10 gin martinis, 9 pounds of taters, 8 bills for payin', 7 stalkers stalking, 6 thugs a humping, FIIIIVE PAYDAY LOANS, 4 sworn out warrants, 3 Natty Ice, 2 nasty pigs feet and a complaiiiiiiint to the I C Threeeeeeeeeee!"

But we're sure Sybil will be nagging Santa for more... MORE MORE!!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Attention Miss Ken Attention Miss Ken!

Where is Sybil's ham dammit? She must be very angry that she doesn't have her death ham for Thanksgiving. Better hop to it! She needs to take a current picture of it on her butt-ugly sofa so she can brag about how much her best buddy wants her to die from clogged arteries.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sybil accuses Obama of being gay

Just look at this photoshop taken directly from Sybil's site. She, according to her, does not approve of lifting things from other people's sites, so it must be a genuine Sybil. Obama should send the entire Secret Service to her door to investigate this heinous case of libel!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Bing Image Search for "Sunday Dinner"

Sybil's nasty food made Bing Image Search once again. Protip: Unless you're using herbed oils, your chicken shouldn't taste like the grease you fry it in.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Psychic Sybs Show

We heard Cleveland camped out on the sidewalk for a week just to get tickets, only to find that Sybil cancelled the show then took the proceeds and pissed them away in a Reno casino. "Nobody forced anybody to buy a ticket. Let the buyer beware!"

That funky Munkyfuss shows us a rare copy of the show's flyer. Amazing!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Another One for the Bum's Wishlist

"Yo Santa,

I've been a very bummy bum this year and I think I deserve something better than that Natty Ice swill Sybil buys me. How about bringing me this gift pack? It's exactly what I want for Christmas -- and every other day!

-- the Bum"

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Bum Passes Through

Is that Bum well-fed or what? I guess you can buy a lot of grease with food stamps!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Look Who's In the Funny Papers!

Click to enlarge so you can read the dialogue.

Monday, August 1, 2011

SHOCKER: Artifact is an ARTI-FAKE!

In an astonishingly expected turn of events, the so-called "Shroud of Reno" has been exposed as a fraud. Scientists examining the shroud (which Sybil's "representatives" claim to be proof of Sybil's death) have found multiple inconsistencies and fakeries to debunk the entire reeking rag.

"First of all," said one scholar, "The body image shown on the shroud is FAR too healthy-looking and toned to be Sybil. There's no way Sybil would have actually used her exercise machine that much. It's an obvious fake."

Added another scientist, "Another sign of fraud is that this tired old bit of tat has been used multiple times over the past several years as a phoney proof of death. It's also been known as the Shroud of San Jose, Shroud of the Trailer Park, etc.

"It's a Shroud of Steaming Shite, that's what it is."

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

She's off the rails again!

Anyone care to comment?

Sybil admits she's Sybil

Sybil has created an account at in which she clearly acknowledges that she is Sybil. What a relief to know that she's finally admitted that she has multiple personality disorder. Now, maybe she can find a good Dr. Wilbur to help her pull herself together.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sybil loves me, this I know. For the Chatroll tells me so...

Slander: noun /ˈslandər/
1. The action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation
2. A false and malicious spoken statement

Libel: noun /ˈlībəl/
1. A published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation

2. The action or crime of publishing such a statement

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lights! Camera! Action!

After a brief hiatus, Sybil's Kharma is back. We've been vacationing at the innocently-named where Sybil has been projecting like a madwoman in the comments section. We've also been chatting a bit at

In any case, SK is back. Let the fun continue!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sybil's Id Speaks!

In another comparison by MunkyFuss, we can clearly see Sybil's id in action. In Freudian psychology terms, the id is "the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest." It's basically the infantile inner self that just keeps screaming "I WANT!" As in "I want this blog to disappear!" Which definitely isn't happening.

So Sybs... You can want in one hand and poop in the other. See which one fills up first!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sybil Super-Sized!

Once again, the fabulous Funky Munky offers us exclusive portraiture of Sybil with all her fat folds and wrinkles. It just reeks of evil, doesn't it?

On a side note, with Mcdonald's announcing 50,000 job openings, do you think Sybil might give the Bum a ride to the nearest Mickey D's so he can apply? Surely he could learn to swab toilets or operate the Fry-o-Lator and help Sybil with her financial struggles, right?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sybil-Mart: Commerce for Con Artists

Looks like Sybil's swapped her begging bowl for a plethora of tawdry affiliate ad programs. Because when her fans (all none of them) visit her site, they're just dying for a chance to buy Hai Karate via her FragranceNet ad. Shouldn't a skank like Sybil be hawking a different range of products?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Separated at Birth?

The resemblance is uncanny, no? Both claim to have psychic powers, and both lie about how the donations they receive will be used -- namely for personal gain and jollies. You can read about Sybil's grifting history here, and about how Sylvia spent time in the pokey for lying about donations here.

Mad props to the Funky Munky for this expose!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

We Have a Winner!

Congratulations go to That Damn Bum for his (or her. We don't ask a lot of questions here.) elaborate depiction of the Food Pyramid for Sybil's bum. That Damn Bum's post and artwork come up in 3rd place when you Google for "bum food" and we couldn't be prouder! *sniff, sob*

See the link here and get your lulz on! Bum Food

Available for Hire: Genuine Jackass

Once again, The Internet Fairy presents us with another illustration of Sybil and her dubious level of worth in this world. Thanks TIF!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Who Rule SybilTown?

After an interesting discussion in the chatroom, we've decided that it's not Sybil who rules the roost in the crappy apartment. The Bum is actually the one who runs the show and controls the "familial dynamic" in that supremely disfunctional household. Your thoughts?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No. Not Yours, Sybil. You Cannot Haz.

It's no secret that Sybil doesn't give a rat's ass about copyright infringement. Otherwise she'd be emailing thousands of people, asking for their permission to post their photos and links on her website, and we're pretty sure she doesn't do that.

The real purpose behind Sybil's non-stop DMCA complaints about this site is that she thinks Google is legally obligated to give her our real names and mailing addresses. Guess again, Sybil. They're not. So no, U cannot haz our informations.

Besides, she's got our email address and did she send us even ONE little ecard for Christmas, birthdays and/or holidays? No. She didn't. Shocking, isn't it?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Aww, is somebody lonely?

Apparently, Sybil's repetitive internet suicides have driven away so many fans that she's got no one left to talk to in her lil chatless chatroom. That means Sybil's drive-bys in our chatroom have increased. Feel free to share your memories of Sybil's most inane appearances in the comments section, dahlinks!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sybil New Reg Requirements: "No Cops Allowed!"

Officer Friendly: "Damn! This webmaster forbids me to enter the site! Now I'll never be able to bust her for underage kiddy porn..."

I'm sure Laub&Laub&Laub&Laub advised her on this one, eh? Or was it her crack (smoking) lawyer Mark Toland? She's probably operating under that myth that "if you ask a cop if they're a cop, they LEGALLY MUST tell you so. And you can make them stay off your website!"

Monday, February 28, 2011

Somebody Needs a Ride

We can't tell. Is that the bum's voice or Sybil's?

Friday, February 25, 2011

It's Our 1-Year Anniversary!

One year ago today, we created Sybil's Kharma and starting posting the wackiness. Got any fond memories you'd like to share? The comments section awaits you, dahlinks!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sybil: World-Wide Jetsetter!

It's Sybil's second visit from Hong Kong. Does she get around or what? Tune in for news of her next visits from Australia, the Seychelles Islands or Ghana -- where she's just sure to be hooking up with that same Nigerian prince that's been emailing everybody who's anybody and asking help transferring his millions!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sybil Wins the LPGA

And by "LPGA" we mean "Losery Pornfreak Grifter A-hole."

Saturday, February 19, 2011 is associated with anus eating

Oh my. A google search reveals that Sybil is well-known for having a passion for "rimming"!

Lookie what comes up when you search on!

Oh my. Sybil is getting an online reputation for being a stalker!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do Not Add to Cart. Do Not Pass Go.

Of course, it's a real fixer-upper with a bad rep, but c'mon... For the price of a bottle of top-shelf gin, you could own the website Sybil didn't pay the bills for!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day, Sybil!

Bad Romance Sybil from Sybils Kharma on Vimeo.

Sybil's torrid affair with us is so complicated!

BTW, if you'd like to save any of the videos you see on Sybil's Kharma, RealPlayer can help you with that. It's a free download, too!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sybil Makes a Trip to The Welfare Office After SHE QUIT HER JOB!!!!

Previous posts have reported that this is the same boyfriend Sybil lived with in San Francisco. She moved him with her to San Jose so they could have a fresh start. Abusers take their victims everywhere with them!

Video: A Message For Sybil

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ah, Memories... The Slam Book

For those of you who avoided "Girl World" in junior high and high school, a slam book was a notebook that had a classmate's name at the top of each page. The slam book was randomly passed around so that writers could make anonymous commentary about each classmate. Now it's your turn to write!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Quilt to Keep You Warm...and Amused

Yea verily, the International Internet Fairies are a productive bunch! They've submitted all these images, stitched neatly into a quilt to ward off the chill of these winter days.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Anatomy 101: Sybil's Brain

Another gifty from the Internet Fairy!
[If you have a gift to send via the Internet Fairy, send it to]

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sybil Contradicts Herself Again

Sybil offers registration, but when you try to register she says she's not accepting any registrations! She's got to be the funniest tard ever.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sybil Worth-less

Please click to enlarge so you can read the dialogue. Thank you!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Screencapped! "I deserve great parking!"

Sybil isn't handicapped and doesn't have a handicapped parking tag, but she thinks it's perfectly fine to use handicapped spaces when she's in a hurry.

She also claims to have "savings", which is a howler in itself.

Circa June 6, 2007

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pop Quiz: Who Said It?

Clue: The date of the quote is May 9, 2010
©2010 - 2012 Weirdlinks UnknownHighway ItsScaryOutThere Sybil's Kharma Fair Use Notice: These documents MAY contain copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owners. This non profit use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Some linked pages may contain offensive material, we take no responsibility or assume liability for their content or views contained therein and we do not monitor linked content. Actually, we very rarely link directly to any other pages. Most of our creative content is right here. Unlike some sites, Sybil's Kharma is not a link dump.

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